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The assembly hall pulsed with energy and excitement. The transformation,nothing short of magical. Strings of twinkling fairy lights crisscross the ceiling, casting a warm, yellow glow over the room. Tables draped in elegant linens are adorned with bouquets of autumn blooms, their rich hues of burgundy, gold, and orange. Pumpkins, gourds, and cornucopias stashed in corners decoratively. I wish I had entered with Lucy but she was getting ready with the choir backstage. The large, wide wooden stage, adorned with seasonal decorations, stayed empty, awaiting the choir's grand performance and the student body president's grand speech.

Everyone was milling about, dancing, talking, and eating in their formal dresses that came in many colors. Teachers were also moving about, chaperoning. I waded through the crowd, smiling with familiar faces until I finally found Tyler and Jordan by the refreshment table. They seem to have sorted things out. I was incredibly happy for Tyler.

"Ty!" I called out to him and he gestured to me. I spotted a group of kids looking at Jordan but I didn't bother mentioning it. Obviously the popular batter from our rival school coming to the fall ball would be news.

"You guys are having drinks already?" I laughed.

Tyler shrugged, picking up a cup for me from the table, " It's just mountain dew."

Just then a teacher snatched the cup from Tyler, coming from behind.

"Mr. Millers!?" Tyler said, startled. Mr. Millers held on to his can as tasted the drink in the cup, squinting us both and then Jordan. We glanced at each other confused. Mr. Miller's skeptical look then dissolved into a look of bemused resignation. "This is indeed mountain dew."

"Sorry about that, boys," Mr. Millers said, his tone apologetic as he handed the cup back to Tyler. "Just making sure everything's above board."

"No problem, Mr. Millers," Tyler replied, his voice laced with amusement. "We understand."

After Mr.Millers waddled away, the three of us burst into laughter.

"How did he not recognize me?" Jordan nudged Tyler.

"Who do you think you are?" Tyler snorted, " Leonardo DiCaprio?" 

"Come on, I'm famous. Am I not?"


I let out a soft chuckle as they banter, "Where's Kacey?" Just as the question left my mouth, Liam and Kacey walked into the assembly hall, hand in hand. She looked our way, both Tyler and I raised our cups, smiling. They slowly made their way to a table in a distance, where Liam's friend Max and his girlfriend sat. I let my eyes wander the crowd, and they found Della talking with her friends by a crowd. Her eyes met mine, and I raised my cup. She nodded, doing the same, letting the silent exchange pass between us.

As the chatter and laughter filled the room, a hush fell over the crowd as the student body president; Donovan Demark stepped onto the stage. His presence commanded attention, and all eyes turned towards him as he cleared his throat, and tapped on the mic which gave a deafeningly loud screech that made everyone wince.

"Sorry about that, folks!" He spoke into the mic, clearing his throat once again.

"Ladies and gentlemen," his voice echoed through the hall, "I want to thank you all for joining us tonight for this special occasion. The Fall Ball is a time for us to come together as a community, to celebrate our achievements and the bonds that unite us. As we reflect on the past year and look towards the future," the student body president continued, "let us remember the values that define us – integrity, compassion, and resilience. Let us strive to uphold these values in everything we do, both inside and outside the classroom."

"Our boys from the baseball team gave their all last week. We may not have won, but their determination, sportsmanship, and dedication exemplify the spirit of our school. Let's take a moment to applaud their hard work"

A round of applause and cheer sounded. Beside me Jordan also cheered loudly.

"Any Bradleys here?" Donovan spoke into the mic, looking around, Jordan held his head down stifling a laugh. "I see a few smug faces here." Donavan laughed, making the crowd also laugh.

"Bradleys, you can wipe that smug off your face if you wanna make it out alive." Donovan deadpanned, eyeing the audience. Silence fell over the room

"Just kidding!" he laughed, lightening up the room again. Laughter erupted.

"Let's leave the rivalries on the field and come together tonight as one community, united in celebration of this season of new beginnings!"

Another round of applause and cheer, coursed through the room.

"And for tonight's special treat.....we have a performance by our talented choir, inviting us to enjoy the night while we are still young!!"

With a round of applause, Donovan stepped aside, making way for the curtains to draw back and the choir to take the stage in formation, with Lucy seated sideways in the corner by the piano. Her dress beautifully cascaded down the chair, her face glowing under the stage light, and her hair forming a halo of light. On the other corner sat the drummer with his set.

Then the lights in the room dimmed, keeping the stage lights on, and the drummer started playing a steady beat, as one girl began singing with Lucy's held chord. Walking across the stage,

"Give me a second I, I need to get my story straight..."

Then a guy joined in, Lucy's fingers gracefully dancing over the piano keys, transitioning from simple chords to a beautiful melody of notes as he sang. The choir moved to the beat, and in a burst of harmony, they started singing the chorus, completing "We are Young" by FUN.

"Toni-i-i-ght, we are young,
So let's set the world on fire,
We can burn brighter than the sun..."

My eyes were focused on Lucy, who bopped her head to the beat as she worked her magic on the piano. Her gaze occasionally went to the audience. I followed her gaze to the audience, who were swaying to the song. Liam and Kacey were distinct, with Liam holding out his phone, probably recording Lucy playing, with one hand over Kacey, while Tyler and Jordan next to me yelled the lyrics out loud, clapping to the beat along with the audience.

She was looking elsewhere, and I followed her gaze to see Della swaying to the song,

"I guess that I, I just thought
Maybe we could find new ways to fall apart
But our friends are back
So let's raise a cup!"

Lucy's gaze flickered back to her hands and then to the audience, clearly captivated. I wondered if she could see me under the dim light, so I pulled out my phone, turned on the flashlight, and waved it in the air to the rhythm of the song. Soon, many others joined in, and we all sang along with the choir, belting out the lyrics.

As the song came to a harmonious end, the lights came back on, and the crowd erupted into applause, their cheers and applause filling the hall. Lucy and the choir took their bows, basking in the glow of their well-deserved applause.

A smile spread across my face as Lucy's eyes finally met mine. The night was far from over, and I was certain we were going to have a great time.

The End.

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