Chapter 4

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'It hurts...'

The pain made me whimper spontaneously. I could feel someone patting my head carefully. I liked the touch, so I moved closer to the hand that was patting my head without realizing it.

Wow, I like having my head pat.

Perhaps he was quite surprised by my aggressiveness, but the patting stopped for a while.

More... pat me more.

As I rubbed my hair with my hands as if to do something, the hand that had stopped before started patting me slowly again. I think I've received such a rough and kind touch before.



Yeah, I remember.

When I was taking a nap in the living room, the hand came secretly and patted my head. As soon as I remembered the touch, I could see my grandmother stroking my head with a gentle smile. Looking at my grandmother, I think I'm in heaven now because I'm dead.

"Grandma is sorry."


"Grandma is sorry for telling you not to cry. I'm sorry for asking you to grow up strong."


"From now on, cry when you want to, and grow up happily."

My grandmother's last words to me were to never cry.

I therefore swallowed tears at her funeral, saying it was poisonous.

So, Mary couldn't cry even when she was so sad, lonely, and even when she was beaten by the director.

Because I can't let others look down on me.

I agreed with my grandmother's words.

My grandmother's beautifully wrinkled face showed a relieved expression. And my grandmother disappeared soon.

The surroundings became dark and still again. But even when my grandmother disappeared, strangely enough, the touch that stroked my head did not disappear.

If you're not my grandmother...... Where is this sweet touch coming right now?


I heard a tongue clapping as if he didn't like something. I was curious, but I didn't want to open my eyes and check. The deep darkness surrounding me is warmer than I thought...... I didn't want to open my eyes.

I fell into a deep sleep again.


How long did I sleep?

Having been accustomed to the darkness, I opened my eyes carefully to get used to the rushing light.

The pink quilt on top of me was crisp as if dried well in the sun, but so soft and warm. It looks like there are 100 million feathers inside, but it just feels like feathers. This must be a really expensive blanket.

The place where I was lying again felt cozy like a cloud.

I lifted my arm gently and hit the bed with my elbow.

Wow... I heard that beds are science. Is this the bed that Edison invented?

"By the way, where am I?"

The room, which looked twice as big as the room all the children of Brandon Orphanage slept in, was full of all kinds of fancy furniture. On the brown wall, there were clearly antique patterns, and colorful paintings were hung in such elegant frames. Luxurious white curtains were fluttering by the window.

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