Chapter 52

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He had a fishy smile around his mouth when he said he wanted to talk to me and Rex, but I don't want to! But I don't think I can avoid it.

Gilbert also looked mad as he didn't want to take us both. Honestly, is there an older brother who wants to play with his friend with his younger siblings? This is a bit of a different story.

Eventually Gilbert, Cameron, me and Rex headed to the drawing room together. I didn't not because I don't come to the drawing room often, but the drawing room was really colorful and elegantly decorated. The open window showed the beautiful garden of Conler Castle, and artworks that looked expensive were on display. There's even a luxurious fireplace. It's like a real rich family..... Yeah, it's a rich family.

Cameron flopped down comfortably on the sofa and signaled us to sit down. People might think it's his house. However, I sat down awkwardly as if I were in another person's house.

"We'll be serving the tea soon."

Gilbert broke the awkward silence that lingered for a moment. Cameron just nodded.

According to Bonita, Conler Castle rarely gets visitors. Grand Duke Estin hated noise, and there were no people who would visit. I heard he doesn't really care even if no one visits the castle......

Cameron didn't look very happy to come to Conler Castle either. He didn't even need to say anything, the look on his face was saying he was forced to do this.

"So, is this Rex Bluea?"

"......Yes, that's right."

"You have an interesting ability."

Ha... Why are you so impatient to pick a fight with Rex?

When asked by Cameron, Rex, who was standing awkwardly, noticeably stiffened.

Cameron pulled his upper body leaning on the sofa forward and smiled at Rex.

"Did the Duke of Bluea sold his soul to the demon?"


"Oh, the blood of the demon is flowing within you, anyway."

Gilbert closed his tired eyes. He looked as if he didn't want to talk to Cameron. I wanted to step up as I did to Baron Bruno last time, but my opponent is the first prince. I can't stand up any more. I should go up later and give Rex the candy that I hid.

The cold silence seemed to have frozen the inside of the drawing room. Cameron leaned his upper body back again as if we were uninterested in our unresponsiveness.

"I think I've seen Duke Morgan Bluea a few times."


Duke Morgan Bluea was Rex's father. So to me, he's my uncle. Rex lowered his head when he heard the name.

"You don't look alike at all."

"He looks like his mother."

Gilbert replied with a sigh. I remembered Rex's smile, when he said his mother was the best in the world. I clasped Rex's hand who was sitting next to me.

"Yeah, If it weren't for your ability, would Duke Bluea recognize you as his own son? I heard your mother was a rural girl. Why do you think you were conceived?"

Cameron's mouth was getting out of control. I could feel Rex's hand trembling. Why are they so desperate to catch Rex? Those abusive remarks cut Rex's feelings like a sharp knife.

Cameron's behavior and tone were as elegant as a well-educated man, but his ideas were shallow. What on earth do they teach at the imperial palace that a child grew up like that?

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