Chapter 25

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"You did not eat much."

Bonita muttered bitterly as she looked at the unfinished food on my plate.

When I was in the orphanage, we didn't have enough meals, especially for breakfast, so even if I tried to eat more, I couldn't do it anymore.

If I make excuses like this, Bonita will ask what I eat during lunch and dinner there.

Still, I can't force myself to eat more because I was afraid of putting pressure on my stomach, I felt very sorry when I looked only at the food I left and spoke in such a sad voice.

"I'll eat well at lunch......."

What I said to soothe the upset Bonita was, in fact, like a pledge to myself.


It's because the chefs at Conler's mansion were so good that it was unfair that I couldn't eat much because my stomach was small.

I found out that asparagus is such a delicious vegetable when I came to the Conler's mansion. If I keep eating delicious food like this, my stomach will grow someday! I shook my feet back and forth satisfactorily after the meal.

"I will grow up so much that I will be able to wear a dress that is right for my age next year."

......Yes, that's right.

I remembered what I had said to Bonita on the day I came back from buying a dress.

It hurt my pride that I had to wear a dress worn by seven years old, so I decided to wear a dress that fits my age next year. In order to do so, I made a resolution to eat all the meals that come out tomorrow morning.

"I'll have another cup of milk......."

I thought I should drink another glass of milk, so I asked Bonita to bring me a glass of milk. Bonita went to get it with a happier look than I thought.

I was sitting with my arms on the table, touching Nero's nose when I felt someone coming in.

Thinking it was Bonita who went to get milk, I looked back but it was Hestia who was dressed quite comfortably, not Bonita.


"I guess you're done eating"

Although she and Lucas put me in trouble yesterday, I was happy to see her so I called her name out loud, Hestia spoke to me with a friendly smile on her face.

She seems to have been training her physical strength outside, even though there was a subtle smell of sweat it was not unpleasant.

If it was the smell from the subway where I lived before, I would have really wanted to cover my nose.

"Hestia, you're here?"

"Long time no see, Bonita."

Bonita, who brought white milk in a pretty crystal cup, put the milk in front of me and greeted Hestia.

They smiled brightly and asked after each other as if they were quite close.

"I can't believe you're training in the morning as soon as you get back."

"I don't have any choice because I don't have enough stamina."

"Did you join the Knights?"

"Yes, everyone was the same."

Hestia has a very sincere personality, unlike Lucas, who is sluggish.


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