Chapter 18

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"Miss Mary?"

I fell deep in thought. The woman called me in a confused voice. I came to my senses and looked at the woman in front of me.

Come to think of it, I didn't even know the name of this person who saved me.

"By the way, who are you?"


The woman laughed quietly as if it was funny to ask her identity now. Yeah, I'd laugh too. I felt like my cheeks were burning red for no reason.

You should've asked who saved you like this earlier, Mary....!

"I'm sorry for the late greetings. I'm Hestia Taylor, a member of the Knights of the Conler family."

"Oh, I...."

"I know. Who will not know after seeing your black hair?"

After knowing she was a knight of the Conler family, I became stiff. The Knights are here right now. Does that mean that my father and Lucas ordered the Knights to find me?

Originally, I had an image of a troublemaker, so they might think that if they take their eyes off me even for a bit I'll disappear.

If I said I almost got kidnapped, they might think, "Is this kid really a Conler?"

"Lady, why are you so contemplative?"

"Are the Knights looking for me because I'm gone?"

Hestia's affectionate eyes made my voice smear with tears.

"For now, Lucas and I were the only ones looking for you."

"I see...."

That's a relief. I thought they were looking for me by flipping the Giefroy in full force of knights. And come to think of it, I don't think they care about me so much enough to dispatch all the knights to find me. When I realized that my worries were useless, shame began to pour in again.

Hestia sat on her knees and examined my face, as if she felt my voice was unusual.

"Are you okay? Were you scared?"


"I don't think so. Do you want me to catch those fu... bad guys and punish them?"

Hestia's attempt to refrain herself from swearing in front of me almost made me laugh. I can get out of there..... But I really didn't think you'd show up like that.

Hestia's expression while looking at me was too worried. It feels like she'd find them and stab them again and again with the sword on her waist.

Well, they're cheap, but I didn't want to put blood on Hestia's hands because of me.

"I'm really fine....... I hit the back of his head with a frying pan earlier......."


"I punished them myself and ran away, so it's really okay. Well, I'm just worried that the duke might be worried......."

To be exact, I'm not worried, I'm afraid he'll think I'm pathetic.

At my words Hestia removed some of the worries from her face and smiled brightly. It was also a smile that made even the other person feel comfortable.

"Ahm, Miss Mary......."

"Oh, Carol! Can you walk?"

As I was out of my mind, I forgot Carol was sitting on the ground. Maybe she calmed down a little, but she walked next to me and called my name. Hestia looked at Carol and said, 'Who...?'

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