Chapter 59

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At the words of Grand Duke Estin, I raised my bow and arrow. I widened my shoulders and pulled the string up to my cheeks. I tried to concentrate as much as I could and breathe to the tip of my toes.

But I couldn't keep my concentration. I felt like my eyes were spinning. I ended up closing my eyes and shooting.

Eventually, the arrow flew in a mess.

"You're nervous."


"Is it because of me?"

I shook my head at the words of Grand Duke Estin. Actually, I'd like to attribute it to Grand Duke Estin, but it wasn't. Hestia and the other knights applauded me just by putting an arrow on the target, but that was my expectation.

I was happy at the time, but the more I kept thinking about it, the more I felt wronged. I think I can do better, but I think a child has its limits.

I don't have time!

That's why I came here to practice in the middle of the night. Did Grand Duke Estin think I'd be here?

"I'm not good at... shooting."


"It's harder than I thought."

I said sullenly and tapped the floor with my left foot. Suddenly, Grand Duke Estin came behind me and corrected my posture. Then he whispered in my ear in a low voice.

"Don't be nervous and shoot."


"Just focus on your goals."


"I'll clean up everything that gets in your way while you go to the goal you want."

Grand Duke Estin's words gave me some confidence. It feels like I have a strong back up. It felt like the target was getting closer. I carefully pulled the bowstring. Grand Duke Estin, who re-aimed my arrow, whispered again.

"Just like you...... I'm serious about protecting something."

The moment the wind stopped.

I shot the arrow.

The arrow shot, hit the center of the target. I was so surprised that I put the bow in my arms and covered my mouth with both hands and looked at Grand Duke Estin, who was next to me.

"In the middle... I hit the center!"

I was so happy that I felt like I had broken some boundaries and went into the arms of Grand Duke Estin. But I stopped right away. No, no matter how happy I am, what have I done now? Does dopamine affect the brain like this?

Shivering, Grand Duke Estin patted me on my back carefully.

"Good job."

The wind, which seemed to stop, seemed to blow again. The voice of Grand Duke Estin settled in my ears as well.

"Thank, thank you......."

Grand Duke Estin looked at me, who was still in his arms, and suddenly hugged me. Frustrated, I leaned my face on Grand Duke Estin's shoulder.

"The first day you hugged was a moonlit night like this."

It was something that I don't remember, but somehow this feeling was not unfamiliar. It was nice and cozy. Leaning on his arms, for some reason, I felt like I could win anything.

"Even under the moonlight like back then, you don't look weak."


When the child sneaked out with a bow and arrow, Estin followed suit. He didn't mean to stop her from training. However, he felt that it was very childlike to go out without anything in the dark.

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