Chapter 14

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Giefroy was decorated modernly. Indeed, it is Conler's territory. It was moderately lively like a big city, but it wasn't too much. Recently, it was said that there was a large-scale urban plan within the territory. I guess several people from the Conler family shared their ideas.

But am I overly self-conscious?

Even if I tried not to be conscious, I could feel people passing by glancing at me. One lady grabbed her child's hand when her child looked at me and disappeared.


Hmm, am I that pretty?

After being showered with compliments by Gille and Lucas, I naturally thought this. If I get caught having this kind of thought. They would start teasing me again.

Did they find out that I'm the youngest daughter of the Conler family....

Their gazes made me subtly uncomfortable so I went to the side where there were no people without realizing it.

It was a doll shop that stopped my footsteps after walking endlessly. Cute, classic stuffed animals seemed to beckon me into the store. It's like a girl's... dream? But I can't find anything in my pocket.......

Ha, I turned around with a small sigh. I bumped into someone while moving with my head down to avoid looking at the glimmering dolls.


"Hey, kid. You have to look ahead and walk."

"I'm sorry......."

I heard a loud voice over my head. Based on the giggling voices it seemed to be a group, not just one. Of course, I did something wrong, but the way they laughed seemed to be mocking me. When I raised my head, I saw three men who looked grim. Ugh, they're so ugly that I feel bad.

I'm too used to the looks of Grand Duke Estin and Lucas...

But what was even worse was the obvious sneer on their faces. Obviously, if someone who wasn't looking ahead bumps into you, you might get angry. But the emotions on their faces were not anger or irritation.

You bumped into me on purpose.


This situation.

Judging from the experience of bullying in my previous life, I was right. This bump is absolutely deliberate. At least my guilt feeling disappeared. I breathed a little.

At times like this I know it would be better to avoid. I bowed my head and turned to get back to where the carriage had been. However, they grabbed my hand making me face them again.

Damn it.....

"What is a kid doing here alone?"

They've been watching me for a while. It was obvious that they wanted something from me.

Why do I get into such a quarrel? Is it because I don't resemble Conler's energy? This is so unfair.

As I looked up at the sky for a moment and felt regretful, I felt a hand touching my hair. The touch was unpleasant, so I took a step back from them on guard.

"Your hair is black."

He smiled and thought, "Oh, my!"

Black hair and black eyes are uncommon colors in the world. Earlier, the uncomfortable eyes of street passers-by came to mind.

I was advertising that I was a member of the Conler family just by my existence. I scanned the area quickly to find someone to ask for help. However, I was already in a deserted place because I cleverly avoided people's gaze.

The Troublemaker Daughter of the Grand Duke Wants To Live AloneWhere stories live. Discover now