Chapter 48

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As clichéd as it sounds, Miller Bruno could do anything for his daughter, Sofia.

She was a daughter he had at a later age. As he held his long-awaited daughter, Sofia in his arms, he finally understood his father, William Bruno, who was so happy to have Jessica.

He had Sofia, the same age his father had Jessica.

'It was just like this.'

When William died, he asked Miller a favor. He wanted him to protect Jessica. He asked him to protect Jessica until she gets married to the man she loved, even if it was not a man of a good family.

All the while listening to the request, Miller Bruno laughed at his father's love for Jessica. Was he such a sweet and good father to himself? He still remembers the sternness of hitting the back of his hand just because he didn't spell something properly. He always says he's useless, and he always compares him to Estin the Grand Duke of Conler. Even though he's much younger than himself.

His father could not close his eyes to death because his young daughter was so caught in his eyes.

Bruno also tried to be nice to his younger sister because he felt sorry for her. Until he found William's will.

On the day of Jessica Bruno's wedding, he planned to hand over the Bruno family's mansion to Jessica. He was so overwhelmed that he burned down the will in the fireplace, but the will did not turn to ashes. When he checked, there was some kind of incombustible magic that kept the paper from burning. He was so angry he couldn't even laugh.

You sly old man......!

Miller hated seeing Jessica. Jessica, who found out that her only blood brother hated her, was naturally discouraged. After having Sofia, he understood William's feelings a little, but it was only for a moment.

Thinking of the will that can't be burned, wet, or torn in the corner of the drawer at this office, he wanted to strangle Jessica's tender throat right away.

When Sophia was five years old, her fever suddenly went up and started talking nonsense. He gave her medicine thinking she had a cold but her fever did not go down. All the healers as well as doctors in the empire visited, but no one knew what Sophia's illness was.

The child's fever didn't subside, so a rumor spread within Bruno's mansion, they say Sophia would die soon. Some even said that he was cursed by the former family because he did not take care of Jessica.

Then one day, the baroness, who returned from an outing, called him with a trembling hand. His wife sent her aide out and said something to Miller in a trembling voice.

"I've found a way to save Sofia."


It took some time before she could explain the method. His wife's expression showed fear rather than joy.

"There is a way to receive the blessing of the demon."


"Didn't the Grand Duke also receive that blessing and gained strength!"

"Yes, but you can see him living as a marionette of the imperial family."

"......Of course, there is a price to pay."

"Please, Maria......."

His wife's face, which was usually gentle and friendly, was distorted and shedding tears. Then she approached the sofa where he was sitting and sat down and cried against his thighs. Miller stared blankly into space, not even thinking of appeasing the crying Maria.

"Where on earth did you hear that?"

As Maria's crying stopped, Miller asked in a weak voice. Maria still spoke in a tearful voice.

The Troublemaker Daughter of the Grand Duke Wants To Live AloneΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα