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"you look happy," Violan said one morning she and Deruth dine for breakfast.

"I am..." Deruth smiled and waited for the servants to leave. "I found two more precious children."

Violan understood what Deruth was about, "what will you do then?"

"spoil them rotten." Deruth replied without hesitation, "five years... I'm late for five years already... I can't bring them in yet... but someday... for sure... when everything settled... I will take them in and give them everything they deserve."

Violan smiled and said, "I'll keep them close... leave it to me."

"thank you so much."

Five years.

It's been five years since he lost that one and their treasures.

After five years, he found them shaking in the dark, with a small knife in their trembling hands to protect themselves. Five years. Those damning five years. He'll sweep his damn family who parted him from her.

The family who branded that love – a whore – to regain their noble lineage.

The family who branded that love – a witch – bewitched him to take her back to nobility.

He knew how this family did all it can for him to sit on the count's seat while keeping that love away. They loathe her for being a fallen noble. Loathe her for being an ordinary scholar.

Even when he didn't want to lord's seat – he was forced to take it – believing he can have her or protect her.

But they took her away.

He loathes them. This very family he grew up with.

He loathes that this family forced his children fatherless for five years.

He won't allow the Henituse to take those two away. That slip-up meant the world to him. He won't allow them to interfere. He won't allow them to take them away.

Deruth ate in silence, not after the twins came in while bickering about who to hold the food cart.

"I should do it."

"I'm taller than you!"

"Beacrox will get mad!"

"Because you're doing it wrong."

Deruth couldn't help but chuckle lightly. Two pairs of round red cheeks were on display.

"good morning." He greeted. The twins looked at him and replied, "good morning!"

Rok, "look! we're making a mess!"

Cale, "you are the one making the mess!"

Ron followed after the twins in fear that they might make fool of themselves.

Deruth watched them fondly and asked, "how was your hangover?"

"ugh." Rok grimaced, "I hate Uncle Ron's lemon tea!"

"but the best hangover tea. Haha."

"you're not helping." Rok scowled at his brother and placed the small bowls of dessert on the table. Deruth noticed the sweets being placed on the table by Ron. He reached out and place it in a bowl.

"Come here." He signaled for Rok to come over.

The stern kid was confusedly staring at him. "Have you eaten yet?"

"yes..." Rok replied.

"here... some sweet... share it with Cale."

"I don't want to..." Cale refused, "I hate sweets."

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