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Deruth finally made up his mind. He stood up and dashed after his children. He should have prepared his heart before approaching them with that question. He'll never be able to forgive himself for forcing them to say such hurtful things. He thought it would be fine, he thought he was scared, but leaving him behind is what scares him the most.

He'll apologize, even if it means begging them to say those words with that sad expression on their faces.

"Rok! Cale!" he yells to them, but he is hit from behind. Screw him! Why did he let his guard down?!

His entire world was spinning. His head is dripping with blood.

He witnesses his children being loaded onto a sack and dragged away.

His vision was blurry as he struggled to stand up.

Damn it! Damn it!

He curses himself for making this mistake.

He was reaching for something when he was hit in the head again. He came to a halt. His vision became hazy and dark.

No... no... don't... don't take them...

He was crying in his head while trying to reach out.

His children... his children...

Then he lost consciousness.




"What did you say?!" Adin's voice thundered when he received the missive from one of his informants in the Rowoon Kingdom.

"The... Henituse Twins that you ordered surveillance where kidnapped."

"Which guild?"

"It's... the assassin's guild from the eastern continent."

Adin looked angry right now. He hasn't been a good friends with the twins and someone dared to lay their hands on them.

He shut the communication device and signaled for his secret troop.

"I want them back." he ordered, "a single scratch on them. It's your head I'll take, got it?"

"Yes, Your Highness."




Alver Crossman slammed his hand on the table.

"What did you say?"

He panicked. The twins are not easy to approach, as their guard is always up.


"I'm on it!"

He wore his coat. He can't leave it all to them. They were his very first friends. He can't entrust it to anyone just like this.




"You know what, only idiots would go kidnap us," Rok exclaimed as he looked at the assassins. They couldn't possibly compare to Ron. That old man is the very definition of a true assassin.

They aren't even afraid of them. They appeared to be idiots because they were still discussing matters that were normally planned ahead of time.

Cale just stood there and watched as his brother openly insulted them. Rok is correct in saying that they cannot be compared to old man Ron. The vicious old man is in a league of his own, especially with that legendary lemon tea, which even enemies would go to war to eradicate.

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