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My adorable little red beans are extremely dangerous.

Deruth was experiencing the chills of a lifetime. Who would have guessed that the twins had anticipated the extent of everyone's movement around them? He shuddered at the way they smiled and calculatedly looked around at their movements.

Only thing is, he can't keep them safe right now because the King has summoned all household heads to the capital.

Violan would be powerless to protect them because the countess's authority is limited to household matters and not to the education of the prospective heirs.

He's caught in a bind.

"Don't worry," Cale said as he looked up at him. He was leaning against his chest, reading a book from who knows where. Rok, who was sitting across from them, seconded. They're far too composed.

"Cale will just beat them up if things don't go our way," Rok said innocently.

"No, that is your responsibility as the Hyung-nim."

"You're the trash between us."

"Then you're in the bin."

With the banter, all of his negative thoughts vanished. They're far too relaxed. He is the only one who is becoming paranoid. They will be safe as long as they remain in the county. The Branch families have no authority in his domain.

He sighed and leaned his chin over Cale's head. He looked at Rok, who was struggling with the lemon tea that Ron had given him. His sweet-toothed son had his fill of that lemon tea.

"Rok... Cale..."

Two reddish browns looked at him.

"What is it that you truly desire?"

A soft smile both decorated their lips, and the answer that he never thought he'd have was said out loud.

"A world made more beautiful." Cale smiled brightly. Rok finishes the sentence, "where there's happiness to watch."




Deruth left for the capital.

Rok was startled awake because hunger had suddenly visited him while he was sleeping.

"Where are you going?"


Cale stood up after looking at the small mechanical clock. His brother is prone to getting into mischief, so he might as well join him.

Rok chose Vicross's kitchen over all others. They are fed by the official kitchen, so there are the foods they enjoy.

Rok grabbed the wok, pressed the bellows, and sat on the chair; he's still small, so he can't reach the counter top or the stove. Cale kept a close eye on his brother's back. At times, that small frame appears to be quite wide and sturdy. Cale would have been very lonely if it hadn't been for this person.

"Come on over here."

Cale stood up, drew the high stool, and sat beside his busy cooking brother. Rok gave him a spoonful of fried rice. He'd never had anything like this before. It's simple and delicious.

"This is great!" he exclaims as he looks at Rok.

Rok smiled at him and clumsily placed it on one large plate, topped with two fried eggs. They sat at the counter, sharing a single plate.

It's been nine years since they've spent every day with each other.

"Hyung... I... intend to stay in the county... how about you?"

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