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It's been three years since Cale and Rok came to Henituse County.

It's been three years since Rok started his training under Ron and Cale, and he's been writing everything that transpired in the future for twenty to forty years now.

That's not the only thing that happened either.

Anyone would be on their knees when there are two cute identical twins welcoming them as butlers do. Especially, if the twins are wearing matching cute pink rabbit-eared parkas in the middle of autumn.

"How cute!"

How could it not be cute? The maids, who were too bored with old and young men, finally had kids to cutely dress up! Rok and Cale had always been dressed by the maids to the point that even the young Vicross was pulled into their projects including the toddler Bassen. So there are four cuties.

And who is Deruth Henituse to deny that cuteness?

"Let me record it!" the count that had record saving device giggled.

Well, it's been three years now, Cale and Rok are now eight years old, Vicross is thirteen, and Good Bassen is five.

Vicross looks too mature now, so the maids are doing their best to make the stern guy into a cool good-looking youngster. There are rumors that Vicross is the ideal husband material considering how he babysits the three kids, and the guy knows how to cook.

Who the hell wouldn't want such a hottie? He's got the package!


There are the redheaded twins that followed after Vicross's charms.

Although their charms are somewhat dangerous, it's bearable and cute.

People didn't mind those death flags because doing so would mean they were going to get scammed. Everyone remembered how Rok was forbidden by the county-designated doctor not to eat too many sweets due to cavities a year ago. The whole county went ahead and refrained from giving him sweets, but those cute puppy eyes are dangerous! Anyone's heart would melt in an instant and give in! In the end, Rok had his fill of cookies and chocolates.

Cale on the other hand, hah – how should they put it? The child is an alcoholic! Who goes around snooping and smuggling bottles of liquor out of the kitchen to their room?! No one! Kids should drink milk, but this kid drinks liquor as a substitute for milk! They had to go and lock the cellar with forty locks, but how come this kid was able to still smuggle bottles outside?! They even had the magician fortify the cellar with magic but the younger redhead was able to get past it!


They're so cute that they're able to scam the whole county, and the whole county itself doesn't even realize they're getting scammed!

"I need to get some helpers in Harris Village." the count suddenly said.

The twins looked at him and, with stars in their eyes, they looked at the count, begging for him to take them with him.

"Alright, it's a bit chilly, so ask for a thicker coat."


Deruth sighed and looked at Violan. The countess was cheering him on and gave him some good things to cater to the twin's needs. He took several young servants and a few workers.

"Count..." Rok, the older twin, tugged on his sleeves and pointed outside the carriage.

It was heavily raining with zero visibility. Deruth patted his head and made the twins sit on the vacant seat on both his sides. It was cold. So Deruth spread his arms around their shoulders while holding the blanket to keep them warm.

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