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The twins are out to murder Alver with their antics. That's been the case for the past few days. Deruth pats their heads and smooths their matching panda parkas. The tailors from Hentiuse County love to send the twins matching cute outfits for free. Even Vicross has his share of high-end outfits matching the twins. They look like a family of pandas with their outfits.

"Cute!" Bassen squeals. He's also wearing a matching baby panda outfit.

Vicross just sighed and resigned himself to the fact that he's actually these rascals' Hyung-nim's husband/father material. He can't refuse free things so he'll just happily wear them. The twins didn't mind too and of course, their little baby panda that was sitting on his shoulder.

"See you later!" Cale and Rok say to the Countess and Count. Vicross was carrying them, and Koala Bassen was sitting on his shoulder while hugging his head. "We'll bring souvenirs!"

"Take care outside," Deruth said, handing Vicross a small wallet containing silver and bronze coins. There's also a simple gold pouch. "Buy anything you and the children want...

He pats Vicross' head before his three naughty children cling to the poor chef. "Play hard, but not that hard. I'll leave them to you, Vicross."

"Yes, Count."

Finally, the four children boarded the simple, open carriage. The children sat beside the young man, the former wiggling their cute butts to find a comfortable seat. They all appeared to be brothers out to cause trouble.

It's an instant kill for Vicross, who had to keep an eye out for three mischievous children and wanted to put a leash on them. Who said it would be fine? No one! He simply finds them to be far too much for him to bear! Is he permitted to resign!?

"Hyung..." a cute Rok with puppy eyes holds a bunny-shaped sweet.

"Hyung..." and a Cale with a jelly bean-filled mochi pouting at him.

Finally, but not least,

"Oppa," a cutie, was holding both of what his elder brothers have.

"Hah." He was even more tired than cooking in the kitchen. "Have one each."

"Yehey!" The trio happily chimed together and faced the vendors. Vicross had to make them eat veggies, especially broccoli. He can't have them take only sweets. They should have a balanced meal.

Vicross also took on those snacks and tried them on. Hm. I can recreate them and make them even tastier.

Vicross watched the twins happily running left and right.

"Hyung! Try it! You'll like it!" Cale exhorts the older.

"Hm! Try this... it's a salty snack..." Rok feeds the other.

The twins would soon look at him and feed him what they had been feeding each other.

"Hm. Pretty good," Vicross observes, and they decide to eat lunch at one of the local establishments. They choose to eat at one open restaurant that has seats waiting outside. Vicross ordered some food, and the three kids were enjoying their small treats before their meal arrived. If it weren't for the ladies hooking up with Vicross.

"I don't like her."

"Yeah, me too."

The girls flinched and averted their gazes from the twins' vicious gazes.

"Ah, why is Hyung so attractive? Isn't it too much work for us?"

"What are you even working for?" Vicross inquired.

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