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Vicross had to keep his sanity. He knew the twins were a threat, but he did not expect them to be this troublesome! They are slaughtering the goblins as they swarm them at breakneck speed. At first, he thought Rok was more talented with weapons but he and Ron were wrong! It was Cale!

We've been fooled, father.

He remembered his father saying something about teaching these two the art of assassination. His father is a strong man. His previous assessment was that Rok was stronger than Cale.

But they were fooled. Completely fooled.

"You have been hiding yourself quite well, Cale," Vicross observed. He forgot to address him as the Young Lord, but seeing him move like an expert or master made him forget about rivalries.

"They say that if you want to fool your people, you have to fool yourself first," Cale said with a smile.

"Yeah, I was duped as well. I am his brother, Vichi!" Rok went to ask for a piggyback ride, too exhausted to continue.

"Of course, you would think Hyung is the stronger one; his soul is stronger than mine."



Body and the soul are not the same thing. Cale would be perceived as a weak person, despite his physically fit body and weak soul. The soul influences the body, but the body does not influence the soul.

That's why Cale did not waste the past two years after being apart from Rok for the first time for nothing.

He should be able to handle being alone if Rok can. The stronger they get, the stronger their soul gets, and the more stable it becomes.

This is what it means to have one life tied to another.

If Rok dies, he will die. If he dies, Rok will also die.

He should exercise his body and mind to help his soul regain its strength. He had been doing depressing things for the past ten years, which is why his mother became the trigger for his desire to be strong. He wants to protect her life this time.

He worked tirelessly until he was able to use an aura. But it is not enough. He thought he could compensate by using the ancient powers, but it is stronger when only one of them uses it. He's unlike his older brother, who wasted his good looks for his faraway slacker life; he worked for this to work because he thought he needed to change.

That is why Cale, who had been dubbed Blood Count in his previous life, reasoned that he could do it all over again.

That is why he claims to be physically stronger than Rok. Rok is just a lazy assed bastard, which is why he is physically weak. He no longer works out! He had to roll himself out of the blanket every time he rolled himself in it!

"Hey, why are you koala-ing your way around on Vichi's back again? You should run!"

"I do not want to! It is exhausting!"

"Vichi needs to train!"

When Rok heard that, he frowned and slid off Vicross' back. Vicross simply shook his head, exhausted by the twins' banter. It's one of the reasons why Vicross thought he took the wrong profession. He should be a nanny, not a chef!

Rok slugs his way behind his brother.

But as soon as they lowered their guard, a huge centipede with two heads of humans burst from underground. It let out a powerful roar enough to push them back from their position.

Rok and Cale calmly looked at it.

"It's gross."

"Ugh. I hate bugs." Cale seconded.

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