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There's a terrible rumor going around right now.

The Rowoon's First Prince and Mogoru's Crown Prince are both interested in the same nobleman and have even declared themselves to be the latter's wife.

Rok frowned, the sour lemon tea dripping from his lips with disgust. Cale was laughing his head off, openly mocking his older brother and oblivious to the rest of the world.

Whoever said these things, Rok will skin him alive, pour salt on him, and hang him outside in broad daylight for 24 hours.

"Go ahead, laugh at me," Rok said bitterly, "you once said you'd marry whoever marries me."

"I did not say that... I will marry for love! Hahahahah!" Cale laughs again.

This jerk has selective amnesia when it suits him. Rok scowled as he examined the papers in front of them.

"How should we proceed?"

"Last time, these tutors continued to find fault with Bassen."

"Did they hit him?"

"Apparently... But this time, Hyung-nim, we're the target of scorn."

Rok looked at Cale, who appeared to be plotting their next move.

"There's no need for that," Rok said, leaning back in his chair, "they just need to find no flaws in us."

Cale looked at him, perplexed. Rok was the one who advised living modestly and away from the spotlight. Given that they are already the center of attention, Rok advises them to let go of all inhibitions and go for the bang.

"Shouldn't we act like little shits if we want to corner them?"

"Imposing little shits," Cale agreed, smiling devilishly.

Deruth will undoubtedly pick up on their movements. No, he should be prepared for what comes next after they move.

"I suppose we'll miss our good Bassen."

"I enjoy hanging out with our good Bassen."

"Let him miss Hyunnim and Hyunnie."

"What a bastard of a Hyunnim he had."

They hadn't mentioned it before, but the Henituse County has an odd education. Househead education is mandatory for all children their age. Branch Families and even Ddirect descendants are subjected to the same training.

Cale: Actually, dad isn't supposed to be the head of the household.

Rok: Really?

Cale: Arsen or Silvior Henituse was supposed to be there. However, the previous patriarch made his will to make dad the next head of the county, and because succession in the county is strictly the Patriarch's succession, the Elder's council cannot interfere.

Rok suspected the council even sent Deruth to the Academy to delay succession after hearing these. The council couldn't deny Deruth's right as Head of the Household because their father proved he was worth it and because of the incident where he took the lead over the drought a few years ago.

Rok: For a family that wants to live in peace and happiness, we do have greedy elders, huh?

Cale snorted.

Cale: Did you know that the people who truly believed in that motto were chosen to be the county seat?

Rok: I'm never going to believe that motto again.

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