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"Kurt?!" Courtney's voice screamed up the stairs. Frances Bean being held by one of her arms.

The father, Kurt Cobain was currently in his room. Laying on his bed, he hasn't moved in a few days. Heroin and Depression was in his system at the moment.

It's her fault. Courtney injected him. He didn't want it. In fact, he wanted to be clean. But his wife didn't allow that.

"Fucking answer me!" Courtney screamed again as she started to head up to the stairs. Frances was slightly teary eyed.

She didn't like when mommy yells. When mommy yells, she tends to hide.
Frances hid her face into her mother's shoulder.

Courtney's head turned to look at Frances. She is currently walking up the stairs.

"Oh sweetheart, it's okay. Daddy's just not answering mommy.. he's being an ASSHOLE!" she yelled the last insult as she approached the room.

Frances got startled from the sudden loudness. She began to cry as Courtney opened the door.

Seeing her husband laying on the bed. His doped cerulean eyes looked over. Immediately, he sat up once he saw Frances.

Courtney walked over with their child, and handed her to Kurt. Frances was still crying. Her cheeks rosy as she sobbed.

"Hey.. Hey.." Kurt whispered as he held Frances. Courtney watched in anger as she crossed her arms.

She is literally angry for no reason.

"Don't cry, Daddy's here." Kurt cooed, his voice was a bit slurred from so much exhaustion.

Courtney rolled her eyes and left the room, shutting the door. Frances sniffled as her blue eyes noticed her father.

"Hi baby." Kurt whispered as he stared into his daughters eyes. His cerulean eyes reflected love and happiness for his daughter. Suddenly, a small smile rises to France's face.

This caused Kurt's lips to tug up onto a smile. "Yeah?? Yeah.. Hi baby, hi!" Kurt baby talked his child. Frances started to giggle.

Kurt teared up as he shifted. Laying down with Frances on his chest. An arm around her.

She lifted up her head. Smiling happily at her father as she squealed in joy. Kurt couldn't help but smile.

"Happy now? Happy? Yeah?" Kurt hummed as he laid his child beside him instead.

He rolled on his side facing Frances. Sniffling a few times as he rubbed his nose.

"You cold, Bean? Daddy's cold." Kurt shivered as he brought up the blanket to himself and his now happy child.

France's tiny hand reached out and grabbed onto Kurt's blond greasy hair.  She yanked on it and squealed happily.

"Ah, ah." Kurt moved her hand. He winced a bit as he yawned. "No, Bean. No pulling on people's hair, that hurts." He slurred out in his raspy voice.

"Mommy does it to Daddy." Frances muttered out those words. Which caused Kurt to frown. "Mommy shouldn't." He replied.

"Hurt?" Frances asked as Kurt held her tiny hand. He didn't reply. He couldn't. He only smiled and kissed his daughters head.

Frances laid her head back down on the pillows. Kurt's hand lightly rubbing her blond little head. Staring at his daughter with love.

"Mommy's downstairs. Don't worry." Kurt reassured, just in case if his daughter was worried.

Frances let out a few toddler sounds as she smiled happily at her father. She suddenly felt herself getting tired.

Kurt noticed as his hand started to rub her back. "My Bean tired?" He asked softly as her eyes closed.

Frances fell asleep. Kurt sighed as he leaned over and kissed her head. "Daddy loves you." He muttered.

He lays his head onto his pillow. Staring up at the ceiling.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened.

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