|| TWENTY ||

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"Now, earlier.. when you were in the bathroom. What did you plan on doing?" Dave asked.

Kurt looked down at his trembling hands. "..Drugs." He croaked out. Dave sighed. "Pills and Alcohol..? Kurt, this isn't going to help you feel better."

Kurt suddenly slammed his hand onto the wooden floor. He lifted his head and screamed out.

"You think I fucking don't know that?! David!? REALLY?! You smoke pot all the DAMN time. So don't tell me what helps and what doesn't help!"

Kurt broke into tears again. Frances got startled from the  drunken shouting from her father. She started to cry in her crib.

Dave sighed as he gets up. "You're making your daughter cry.." He hesitantly muttered.

Walking over, he picked up Frances and held her close. The brunet sits on the bed with Frances in his arms. Dave starts rubbing her back to comfort her crying.

Kurt immediately silenced himself. Sniffling quietly as he watched Dave and Frances slowly.

His eyes glossed with tears as he walks over. He sits on the bed. Frances turned her head and whimpered when her father sat beside Dave.

"No, no..baby. it's okay." Kurt shakily comforted as he reached his shaking hand out. Frances hid her face into Dave's chest.

This broke Kurt's heart. He slowly moved his hand away. His eyes filled up with tears. "Daddy's sorry." Kurt shakily whispered.

Breathing was completely staggered and trying to stay clam. But Frances didn't look at him.

Heartbrokenly, Kurt stared at his child as Dave comforted Frances. "It's okay sweetie, your dad loves you." He says.

Frances lifted her head after a little while. Her crying calmed down. Her blue eyes looked over.

Her father, Kurt Cobain was laying down now. His back facing her and Dave. His heart aching so much.

Pillow case was slightly dampened with the tears. He sniffled as he blankly stared at the little crib that was acrossed the room.

Suddenly, Frances crawled out of Dave's hands. Dave watched with his brown eyes in worry. Still sitting up in the bed.

Frances placed her tiny hands onto her father's shoulder. "Daddy..?" He spoke softly. Kurt shakily gasped.

His head slowly turned to face his daughter. His blond locks a complete mess. Scattered acrossed the beds pillows.

Kurt rolled himself over carefully. Facing his daughter with an empty look in his cerulean eyes.

Frances laid herself down and snuggled herself close to her father. Her little hands gripping onto Kurt's shirt.

Her blue eyes staring up at her father, slightly drooling on the shirt as she smiled. "I love you Dada."

Kurt felt himself tear up again. He smiled slowly as he placed a hand onto his child's back.

"Daddy loves you too. I'm so sorry, Bean. Daddy didn't mean to scare you." He slurred his speech.

His whole body aches from exhaustion now. He cried too much this night. His eyes hurt so bad.

Puffy eyes, teary cheeks. That's what Kurt looks like now. A distressed yet calm expression on his face.

Frances leaned her head close and kissed her father's cheek. Dave noticed this and smiled at the two.

"Frances, I think you and daddy should get to sleep now. You two really need it." Dave acknowledged towards the two.

Kurt kept a hand on her back. Frances pouted for a moment but eventually fell asleep. "I'm sorry Dave, I didn't mean to–"

Dave cuts Kurt off, "Hey. Let's just drop it. We all need the sleep. I'm staying over. I'll crash on your couch."

He gets up and Kurt nodded his head. Looking at his sleeping daughter in his hands.

"Okay Dave." Kurt muttered as Dave left the room.

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