|| TWO ||

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Courtney opened the bedroom door. There she stood, a cigarette in between her fingers. Smeared red lipstick crossed her mouth.

Kurt lifted his gaze slightly once he noticed. He softly smiled towards her. "Hi hon." He croaked out as she went over to the bed. "Move her in her bed." She rudely replied.

"Fine." Kurt muttered and picked up Frances. He eyed her with love as he gets off his shared bed with his wife.

Walking over to her crib, he easily puts her inside. She didn't wake. She continued to rest.

Kurt watched for a moment. His posture was horridly slouched as he leaned down.

His doped cerulean blue eyes staring at his daughter with nothing but happiness and adoring feelings.

"Kurt! Bed. Now." Courtney sternly boomed as she pats the bed. Her long painted finger nails scratched at the fabrications of the blankets.

Kurt sighed. He used his pointer and gently brushed France's cheek for a sudden affection before he walked off.

He crawled into bed with his wife, Courtney. Her lips curled up into a sickened grin as she placed at kiss onto her husband's cheek.

"Hi you junkie." She croaked out as her lips traveled down to Kurt's neck. The cigarette still in between her finger tips.

Kurt's cerulean eyes gazed at the lightened drug. He grabbed it out of her hand. She scoffed as she watched him take a drag of it.

White clouded smoke rise into the room as he exhaled. Courtney laughed as she continued to kiss her husband's neck.

"Mmh." Kurt grunted softly as he sets the cigarette out on the ashtray beside the bed.

"You have a concert tomorrow.." She trailed off as her lips traveled up, she started to kiss Kurt's jawline.

"I'm coming with." She whispered as she kissed Kurt's lips. Kurt hesitated, but returned the kiss.

"The nanny knows..?" Kurt croaked out as his doped eyes looked around mindlessly for a moment as Courtney grinned. She nodded her head.

"Yes babe, she knows."

"I'm so tired..!" Kurt complained as he laid his head onto the pillow. Courtney scoffed. "You're always tired."

"Shut up.." Kurt croaked out as he rolled onto his side. His back facing her now. Courtney didn't like that.

She suddenly clawed at Kurt's bareback, leaving harsh red lines down it.

Kurt shuts his eyes tightly as he endured the pain. He bit his lip so he doesn't scream out.

Courtney scooted herself close and kissed her husband's shoulder. "Stop being a stubborn bitch."

Kurt scoffed as he lifted his head. Looking at her with annoyance and anger. "Courtney! For fucks sake, I'm tired. I just want to sleep. Leave me alone."

Courtney rolled her eyes. Kurt laid his head his head back down. "It's all that damn heroin you do." His wife sourly spat.

Kurt didn't reply. He simply just closed his eyes. Courtney scoffed as she rolled on her back. Their backs facing each other.

Eventually the couple has fallen asleep.

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