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"I need a cigarette, watch her Dave." Kurt spoke as he pushed some of his blond hair out of his face.

Dave nodded as he slightly leaned down at the crib. Frances still peacefully slept.

Kurt kissed his boyfriends head and then left the bedroom.
Trotting down the stairs in his red and black jumper and a pair of pajama bottoms.

His hand quickly grasped the pack of cigarettes that rested on the coffee table. He also grabbed the lighter.

His blue gaze glanced at the little drawing his daughter made hours ago. He smiled before walking to the front door.

Opening it and leaving, he gently shuts the door behind himself. He sat himself on his porch.

A lightened cigarette in between his lips as he smoked out in Seattles cold air.

As for Dave, he is currently holding onto the toddlers little hand. Her little blue eyes were partly opened.

"Hi sweetie." Dave cooed. Frances looked up sleepily. "Papa?" This caused Dave to smile and nod his head.

"Yes Frances, I'm your papa." Dave quietly replied. "Now, you should be getting back to sleep. Your daddy will be back in here soon."

"Dada!" Frances suddenly squealed happily. This caused Dave to chuckle softly. "He'll be in here, hold on."

Kurt finishes his cigarette and went back into the house. Sniffling quietly, he picks up Frances's artwork.

He walked himself up the stairs, hearing Frances giggling and Dave..reading?

Kurt entered the room. Frances was laying still in her crib. The candle was lightened up again.

The smell of lavender was in the room. This caused Kurt's nerves to be more relaxed.

Dave is currently reading her a bedtime story. Kurt sets the drawing on the bed as he walked over.

"Hi Bean." He spoke up, which caused Dave to pause his reading. He looked up and smiled at the father and daughter.

"Daddy!" Frances reached her hands up. Kurt chuckled softly as he reached his hands down.

He picks up Frances. Walking himself over to the bed with his daughter. Dave followed along with the book in his hand.

"So, what's Papa reading you?" Kurt asks as he brushed his fingers through her hair. He sat on the bed.

Dave sat beside them. "It's called," he paused and flipped the book over to title. "The Giving Tree." This caused Kurt to smile. "Ahh, I was read that story when I was little."

Frances giggled. Her little hands reached up and started to touch her father's face. "Love!" She suddenly squealed out.

"Yes, Daddy loves you." Kurt Cobain replied. Dave carefully moved Frances's hands. "Hey sweetie, Papa is still gonna read you the story. Okay?"

Frances giggled again. She laid her head onto her father's chest. Kurt loosely has his arms around his sleepy daughter.

The only light source was the candles flame. The atmosphere was very relaxing and calm.

Dave continued to read. Frances's eyes are glued into the books pictures and words. Kurt lightly patted his daughters back.

This caused her to be sleepy.

- - -

"The, End." Dave says as he finished up the story. He shuts the storybook.
Kurt looked down to notice his daughter, extremely sleepy.

Her blue eyes blinked slowly. "Aww? Is my baby sleepy?" Kurt asks as he carefully shifted. Laying her in his arms.

Her tiny head remained resting on her father's chest. "Dada?" She spoke tiredly.

Dave stands up and puts the book on the bookshelf. "–Yes, Bean?" Kurt whispered as Dave sits back on the bed.

"Sing." Frances replied. Her blue eyes looked up at her father. Kurt felt himself tear up in joy. Dave smiled alongside the two.

"Okay, daddy will sing for you."

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