♡|| THIRTY ||♡

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Frances has calmed her upsetting feelings. She sniffled as Dave reached his hand out. He wipes her eyes.

"You okay, Frances?" Dave asked her softly. She shakes her head no. Kurt frowned as her little hand grasped onto Kurt's finger.

Kurt leaned his head down and kissed his daughters head again. "What's wrong baby? Tell daddy." Frances sniffled again as she looked up at her father.

Her eyes got completely teary again. Dave wiped her tears away. "It's okay, Frances. You can tell daddy." Kurt repeated softly as he held his daughter.

"Mama." She replied. Kurt tensed up as he held his daughter. "..Mama?" He croaked out. Dave stared at Frances with wide eyes.

"She hit me..!" Frances suddenly cried out. Kurt guided her head back to his chest as he held her. Picturing the two peices. "Oh..bad dream of Mama?"

Frances nodded her head. "She hit me. She hit you. She loud." She whispered out before sobbing again.

"Oh, Frances Bean.." Kurt whispered as he kissed her teary cheeks. Dave frowned as he rubbed Kurt's back. Observing the two with a frowny face.

"Listen to Daddy, okay?" Kurt muttered as his daughter nodded her head slowly. "Otay.."

"Mama isn't here. Mama..is gone."

"Mommy gone?" Frances blinked her teary eyes. Kurt nodded his head as he teared up. "But it's okay, baby. She won't hit you. She won't hurt daddy anymore."

"She hit you." Frances croaked out as she grabbed her father's sweater. Her blue eyes staring at the black and red stripes.

"Frances, she isn't here anymore. You had a bad dream. That's all that was." Kurt reassured as he kissed her forehead.

Dave nodded as he spoke up. "It's okay, Little one. Your daddy's right. Mama isn't here anymore. She won't hurt anyone here. I promise."

Frances lifted her blue gaze. Looking at both Dave and Kurt. "Papa..?" She muttered. "Yes, Frances?" Dave muttered in reply as he kissed Kurt's teared cheek.

She suddenly broke into a smile. "Papa love Dada!" She squealed happily. Kurt smiled as he nodded his head.

"Yes, Papa loves me." Kurt replied as Dave kissed Frances's cheek. "And Papa loves you too, Frances."

She smiled and sniffled quietly. Her head staying onto her father's chest. She yawned. "So, mama won't hit?" She asked worriedly.

Kurt slowly nodded his head. "Mama is gone. Mama won't hurt any of us." He reassured his child. Frances calmed herself and grabbed her father's hand.

She started to gnaw on it. Kurt chuckled, feeling her drool on his hand. "I know it's been a rough night, but it's time to go nini baby."

Her blue eyes got droopy as she yawned. Laying her head on her father's chest, his hand being gnawed on.

Kurt started to move his hand but she got fussy. "No? No. Okay, you can gnaw on daddy's hand." Kurt muttered and placed his hand back.

She cooed and babbled quietly as she gnawed on Kurt's knuckle. Listening to her father's heartbeat.

Dave lightly rubbed the toddlers back. Watching Frances with love. "She's adorable." Kurt nodded his head. "She is."

"Dada..?" She muttered as her blue gaze looked up at Kurt's face. "Hm..? What baby?" He whispered and pecked her forehead.

"Mama gone?" Frances asks again. Kurt nodded his head. "Mommy's gone, but Papa's here. Daddy's here. Papa and Daddy aren't going anywhere."

She yawned and her eyes came to a close. Dave lightly pats the toddlers back.

She was on the verge of falling asleep. "Want to know why Papa's here?" Dave asked softly.

"Why." Frances croaked out tiredly as her eyes tried to stay open. "Because Papa loves you." He whispered.

Frances slowly smiled as her eyes came to a close. Kurt held his daughter close. "And also," Kurt spoke.

Which caused her eyes to open again, she babbled quietly as she gnawed on Kurt's hand.

You're Safe With Us.”

– Kurt Cobain whispered to Frances Bean Cobain. His daughter fell asleep in his arms.
Dave smiled at the interaction as the three laid together in the bed.

They fell asleep together. Frances Bean Cobain In Between Dave Grohl and Kurt Cobain. –

Happily. ♡


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