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A couple months have passed by. Dave decided to move in with Kurt because the Nanny had to unfortunately go out of state to watch other kiddos.

Krist was completely okay with Dave's departure from the apartment. The bass player was currently visiting the two, since he is leaving to visit Shelli.

But Kurt wasn't downstairs. Only Dave was, he finished feeding Frances her breakfast as Krist entered the house.

"Hey Dave, how you've been?" Krist called out as he shuts the Seattle home's door.

"Kitchen! I'm doing okay." Dave replied as Krist entered the kitchen. Frances being unbuckled from her highchair.

Dave carefully takes her out of it, holding the toddler in his arms. Lightly bouncing her on his leg.

This caused the child to smile and giggle happily. Krist knelt down to Frances and smiled. "Hi Frances Bean, how are you?" He babytalked.

Frances stared at Krist for a moment before grabbing his nose with her teeny hand.

"Ah, Frances. No grabbing." Dave says as he moved her hand. Krist chuckled a bit. "You seem to be helpful for Kurt's child, huh?" He teased.

Dave felt his face heat up. "..Well yeah, of course. That's also why I kinda.."

"Moved in?" Krist finished Dave's response as a smirk rises to his face. Dave huffed as he stopped bouncing Frances. His arms loosely around the child.

"Well, yes. Courtney left." Dave reminded to Krist. Which caused the bassist to sigh. "I know.. say, where's Kurt?"

Dave looked down at his shoes. Frances started to gnaw on her hand. Sitting on Dave's leg.

Clearly too innocent to comprehend what the men are speaking about.

"..Getting doped up. He relapsed. He was pretty clean for the past few months but recently.. fuck man, it's been tough."

Just on cue, Kurt sluggishly walked himself down. Shirtless, a few sores on his face.

He groaned as he caught himself on the wall. "Dave..!" He slurred out. Krist sighed, "I'll go have a word with him."

"No i–..okay." Dave frowned as he looked down at the toddler in his arms. Frances looked up at Dave innocently.

Krist entered the living room. Carefully, the bass player guided Kurt to sit on the couch.

"Oh hey Krist..what's up man?" Kurt muttered as he heaved out a few breaths.

"Where is it." Krist suddenly snapped. Kurt scratched at the back of his head and he tilted his head. "..Huh?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Kurt."

Kurt suddenly broke into tears. "No man! Please you don't understand!–"  His cerulean doped eyes looking at Krist.

His forehead slicked with sweat. His cheeks rosy and warm from the fever.

"–What don't I understand?? You're clearly using heroin again! You have a child Kurt. Do you want her taken away from you?" Krist asks seriously.

"No!!" Kurt screamed out in panic as he hyperventilated a little. Krist sighed as he placed a hand onto Kurt's shoulder.

"Fuck you're burning up..Dave! I need assistance in here!" Krist called out. Dave quickly walked over. Frances being held by one of his arms.

"Yeah..?" Dave muttered as Frances looked at her father. Her blue eyes staring at him.

"Hand me Frances, you take care of your boyfriend." Krist jokingly sneered as he sits on the chair beside the couch.

Holding his hands out. Dave felt his face heat up, but ignored the remark. He handed Krist the toddler as he sits next to Kurt.

His chestnut colored eyes stared at his crush with worry and concern. "Hey, bud. bud. Look at me."

Kurt's blown pupils slowly make their way to look at Dave. Dave slowly nodded. "Hi, Kurt. Now.. you're gonna lay down, and I'm gonna get you some aspirin and a cold towel for the fever, okay?"

Kurt groaned softly as he slides himself onto the couch. He panted as tears rolled down his face. Sweating and having chills.

Dave immediately went to the bathroom to get the self care supplies for his crush.

As Dave was doing so, Krist was quietly reading Frances one of her favorite storytimes.

Sitting in the chair with the toddler in his lap. Her blue eyes staring at the photos in awe. A small smile rested on her face.

Not having a clue about her father's condition.

Dave came back with aspirin as he placed the cold towel onto Kurt's head.

"Take these." The drummer muttered as he handed Kurt the aspirin. Fatigued, Kurt pops the pain killers in his mouth without any hesitance.

He swallowed the medicine and closed his eyes. Dave started to rub Kurt's stomach in a way to comfort the doped man.

He spoke quietly to the blond frontman.
"Do you want to be doped up in front of Frances..?" He asked.
Kurt shakes his head no.

"Then, you gotta stay off the heavy shit man.. this can really hurt you." Dave muttered in concern.

He leaned his head down and kissed Kurt's forehead that was covered by the little washcloth.

"Mm sorry.. I'm just a horrible father." Kurt cried out as he stared at Dave. Dave shakes his head in response. "No, you're an excellent father. I'm just here to help you take care of her."

Kurt sniffled as he sits up. He hugged Dave close as he broke down again. Dave frowned as he rubbed the frontman's back.

Frances looked up. "Daddy..?" She spoke up but Krist hushed her softly. "Your daddy is gonna be okay." He reassured Kurt's daughter as he patted her back softly.

Frances pouted but nodded her head. Krist turned the page. "Look Frances, there's little pictures of animals in this book.."

"Kitty!" Frances beamed happily as her attention was drawn to the pictures of the story.

Kurt calmed his crying. He has suddenly passed out. Dave sighed as he adjusts how he sat.

The blonde headed man has his head laying onto Dave's shoulder. Completely out cold. Still breathing, but just asleep.

Dave wrapped an arm around Kurt as he sighed. "Krist, hand me Frances.. you gotta find the..you know."

Krist nodded his head as he finished the story. He sets the book down and picks up Frances.

He carried the child and sets her into Dave's arms. "..Right." Krist replied as he started to head up to the stairs.

"It's in a heartshaped box. By his dresser, I tried to get rid of it last week but Kurt lashed out on me." Dave explained.

Krist nodded his head slowly. "Yeah, I'll flush the.. heroin down." "–Thanks."

Krist disappeared upstairs. Frances stared up at Dave. "Dada okay?" She asked as her blue eyes stared at her sleeping father.

Kurt was still asleep with his head onto Dave's shoulder. Dave nodded to Frances. Rubbing her back.

"Yes, Frances. Daddy is okay. He is sleeping." Dave muttered out in reply.

His heart wrenchingly aching.

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