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Frances was fed her lunch. Even fed her dinner in the kitchen a few hours ago later in the kitchen.

Kurt was just now waking up as Dave takes her out of her highchair once he was finished. Currently the time was 9:45PM.

The drawing calmly resting on the coffee table. Kurt rubbed his head as he groaned softly.

Sitting himself up, his blond hair dangles down his face. His cerulean now sober eyes looked at the drawing.

His dirty blonde eyebrows knitted together. Gently grasping at the paper with his finger tips, he held it up.

"Daddy and Papa..?" Kurt muttered as Dave entered the room, holding Frances.

Dave felt his heart began to race as he sits on the couch with Frances in his arms.

Kurt lowered the drawing once he noticed the two entered the room. He looks over at Frances.

"Bean, did you draw this?" He asked his daughter. Frances sucked her thumb as she nodded her head.

His face warmed up as he eyed the drawing again. Dave kept one arm around Frances as he used the other and wrapped it around Kurt.

"Yeah, Kurt. She drew that when you were napping. Krist was here earlier, but you slept the whole time."

A small hum in response left out of Kurt. He nodded his head slowly as he sets the drawing back down on the coffee table.

Dave's chestnut eyes poured themselves into Kurt's facial expression with love.

Frances kept her head laying on Dave's chest. Gnawing on her hand as she eyed her father.

"So, I have to talk with you." Dave cleared his throat as he gently pats Frances's back. She started to feel sleepy.

Kurt's blue gaze slowly looked over at Dave. "Hm..?" He hummed out as he extended his hand out.

Gently, he held onto Frances's little hand. His daughter gently grasping it in return as her eyes came to a close.

She fell asleep on Dave's chest. Dave glanced down and chuckled softly. "Aww. She's all tuckered out."

Kurt slowly smiled as he leaned his head down. Kissing his daughters head. "Mm, I can see that. Now Dave, what is it..?"

Dave takes a deep breath. He lifted his gaze. Kurt pulled his head back, he looked at Dave. Both men making eye contact now with each other.

"Frances called me, Papa." Dave spoke out the truth. Kurt's eyes widen in surprise by that.

The drummer cleared his throat. "It even states in the drawing that you saw I know..but she said it to me. She hugged me, and called me Papa."

Kurt slowly smiles once heard those words. His heart fluttered. His stomach sworn with butterflies.

"She sees you as a father figure, too.." Kurt admitted.

Suddenly their faces turned red. Kurt shyly turned his head.

He kept a finger out for his daughter as she gently grasped it in her slumber. Her head still laying on Dave.

Dave awkwardly laughed, his face a little crimson. While for Kurt, he is completely beet red.

"She knows.." The drummer slowly trailed off and bit his lip nervously.

"She knows, what..?" Kurt questioned as he turned his head. Dave carefully stood up with Frances in his arms.

"Lets head up to your room. I need to put your daughter in bed." Dave acknowledged. Trying to dodge what Kurt was questioning.

Kurt stood up as well. "Okay, then. But we need to talk more when we get up there."

Dave felt himself get nervous as he nodded his head.
Walking upstairs with Frances in his arms.

Kurt following up the stairs behind as the three entered the bedroom.

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