|| EIGHT ||

480 12 2

( drug use! ⚠️ )

Rehearsals went well for the band of Nirvana. It took them a few hours. But it went perfect. Currently, it's 9PM. The late concert was about to start soon.

Courtney has a cigarette in between her lips as she watched her sweaty husband walked over.

She was laying on the ground, on stage. She was covered by the curtain, but her heeled shoe was sticking out.

Fans started to flood into the audience. Taking seats. The curtains covered the band so they are hidden.

He kissed her head as she pulled the cigarette back. She blew the smoke in her husband's face.

Dave twirled his drumsticks. Watching the two from his set. Krist was drinking out of his bottle of water. His bass sling onto him.

"Hi honey." Kurt spoke out in his raspy voice as he used his hand to sway the smoke away. Courtney bit her lip as she grabbed her husband's head.

She crashed her lips onto his. Her lips reeked of cigarette smoke while his head a faint scent of vodka.

Both of them made out with each other in a daze. Dave sighed. He felt jealous. He gripped his drumsticks tighter.

Why did he have to choose her?
She doesn't treat him well.

Rolling his chestnut colored eyes, he lifted a stick up and clashed it onto a symbol. Causing the two be startled and pulled away.

"No sex here, buddy!" Dave scolded, 'teasingly.' even though he actually meant it.

Kurt laughed as he looked at Dave. "We won't! We won't!" This caused Krist to shake his head and laughed. Setting his empty water bottle down.

"Performing in five!" A producer shouted and walked off from the group.

Courtney leaned in close and whispered. "Heroin time. You're performing in five."

Kurt sighed and nodded his head. Feeling the itching crave crawl up in the back of his head. He gets up and walked himself to the nearby bathroom.

Courtney remained laying on her side. She takes out her bright red colored lipstick from her purse. She applied it.

Krist tuned his bass. "Where's he going?" He asked quietly to Dave. Dave shakes his head as he muttered back. "You know."

Krist sighed, knowingly.

Courtney suddenly shouted to the men. "Hey! Krist! Dave! After the show we're going to stop by a hotel and crash! That's why I said that to the Nanny!"

"Oh...alright!" Krist replied as he shakes his head. Dave gritted his teeth together.

"I hate her man." Dave whispered to Krist. "I know, dude. But she's Kurt's wife." He replied.

Before Dave could reply, a doped Kurt walked out of the bathroom. He stumbled a bit and grabbed his fender.

Slinging it onto himself. He panted softly. Dave frowned. Walking himself over, he carefully guided Kurt to the microphone.

"You okay?" Dave asked softly. Kurt nodded his head. "Mhm..good, yeah." He slurred in reply.

Krist watched the two and sighed. Courtney suddenly spoke up. "It's time fuckers! Get ready!"

"Shit..!" Dave exclaimed as he went over to his drum set and takes a seat at it.

The curtain opened revealing the excited audience. Kurt tapped the microphone a couple times.

"Check, check." He spoke softly into it. It was working. "Hi."

Screaming fans roared in the audience which caused a tiny smile to rise onto Kurt's face.

Then, they started their performance. Courtney laying on her side as she watched her husband perform.

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