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Making it up the bedroom, Dave sets the sleeping toddler in her crib.
He carefully tucks her in as the door was softly closed once Kurt came inside.

Kurt grabbed his knitted black and red striped sweater that was on the floor. He slipped it over his shirtless top half as he sits himself on the bed.

Dave sighed nervously. He walked over to the bed and sits beside Kurt. The blonde cleared his throat. "if you're wondering, I'm not upset that she's calling you Papa."

This reassured Dave's nerves. Dave exhaled in relief. "But, I want to know what you meant." Kurt continued on.

Dave bit the inside of his cheek from feeling anxious. "She knows? What does she know, Dave?" Kurt questioned.

The drummer can't hide it. It's associated with Kurt's daughter. The fact that Frances knows Dave's feelings for Kurt really shocked him in all truth.

Dave takes a deep breath as he shifted. Facing the frontman guitarist. "She knows that I.."

"That you..?" Kurt raised his eyebrow. Dave exhaled shakily. Reality was setting in. The feelings are coming out.

He kept these hidden from Kurt for years. Taking a deep breath, Dave shuts his eyes tightly and the words roll off his tongue.

"She knows that I have a crush on you." Dave opened his eyes once he finished exposing his feelings. Kurt widened his cerulean eyes.

Both of their faces turned red, again. Kurt shifted himself closer. Dave bit his lip. "I–i  have no idea how she knows, Kurt!–and she calls me Papa–Fuck dude, I'm so sor–" Dave started to panic.

But his anxious thoughts were silenced when Kurt's lips were softly pressed onto Dave's. Dave felt his heart burst as tears of joy suddenly spewed out his eyes.

Dave wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist as he returned the kiss. Kurt wrapped his arms around Dave's neck as he pulled back from the kiss.

"You talk to much.." Kurt whispered as he leaned back in and kissed the drummer. Dave smiled slightly in the kiss as he immediately returned it.

Both of their lips moving in sync softly with each other. Their hearts racing. Their faces flushed with a crimson blush, just like cherries.

Kurt hummed as he pulled back from the kiss. "So you're saying, that's why she kept saying 'Love' to us..?" He asked softly and Dave nodded his head.

"Pretty sure, she was trying to say that. I mean, the picture she drew was the largest clue and uh..here we are. Heh...heh." Dave bit his lip again.

Kurt kissed Dave's head. "Well Davey, guess what?" Dave's heart fluttered happily once he heard the nickname.

"Yeah, Kurt..? What is it?" Dave asked. Looking deeply in Kurt's blue eyes with love and happiness.

Both of the men smiled at each other. They felt happy with each other's company. Truly enjoys it within their hearts.

Kurt returned the love in his eyes as the words easily slipped out of his mouth, vocal chords and tongue.

"I love you, Dave."

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