|| FOUR ||

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Courtney came down the stairs, wearing her white slip dress. Her heels making a clacking sound as she walked back to the couch.

She takes a seat on it and switched on the boxed television. Her eyes glued onto the screen.

Kurt watched as Frances pushed the blocks down once they finished their tower. "Oh nooo!" Kurt dramatically says which caused his daughter to giggle.

"You're so cute." Courtney suddenly spoke as her eyes glanced over at her husband and child.

Kurt hummed as he looked up at his wife. "Thank you." He replied as Frances crawled into her father's lap.

The long greasy blond headed man held his daughter in his arms. "Dada!" The toddler beamed happily and grabbed her father's nose.

"Hmmm?" Kurt hummed as he leaned his head down. He kissed Frances's head happily. "Love dada!"

"Daddy loves you." Kurt replied which caused a happy smile to rise on his daughters face.



Frances giggled again as she crawled herself out of her father's hold. She sat herself down as Kurt grabbed a toy from the floor.

"Look! Chim Chim!" He peeped out as he held the toy monkey in his hands. Frances stared intensely at it with her ocean eyes.

Kurt laughed softly. Courtney looked over. "You're gonna scare her." Kurt scoffed as he lowered the toy. "Oh she's fine, Courtney."

Frances grabbed a raddle and crawled over to her dad. She sits in front of him and shakes the raddle in his face.

Laughter escaped out of the Cobain family. "Yeah, totally interested in the monkey." Courtney Love acknowledged.

Kurt laughed as Frances lowered the raddle. Now chewing on it as she smiled at her father.

Suddenly a knock was at the door. Courtney raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?"

"Oh! I forgot, Dave and Krist are coming today because we have to rehearsal." Kurt nodded as he watched Courtney get off the couch.

Courtney picked up Frances and held her in arms. She walked herself back to the couch and sat with her daughter.

Kurt grabbed his shoes that were beside his wife as he slipped them on his feet.

"Coming!" Kurt shouted to the door as he went over. He opened it to reveal Dave and Krist.

"Hey man, we have the instruments packed in the van. It's easier to rehearse there backstage. So, we should get–"

"Wait!!!" Courtney's voice bellowed as she spedwalk  to the front door with Frances in her arms. Her heels obnoxiously loudly clacking on the wooden floors.

Dave narrowed his gaze at the woman. He hates her. Courtney glanced over and mimicked the same look in her eyes.

She then started to speak to the men that stood outside the front door. "Anyway, wait. I have to call in the Nanny so Frances here can be babysat. I'm coming with you three."

"You are?" Krist asked, completely oblivious. "Apparently she is." Dave muttered quietly to the bassist.

"Well come in, gotta wait." Kurt spoke up as the two other band members of nirvana entered the house.

Krist and Dave took a seat on the couch. Soon as they entered the home, the smell hit them.

It was drugs.

Dave frowned as his brown gaze slowly looked over towards Kurt. Watching him close the door.

Courtney out of the blue handed Frances to Dave. "Here, hold. I have to call the nanny."

"Okay." Dave muttered as he held Frances. Krist looked over at the toddler as he smiled. "Hi Frances."

Frances stared at the two. Before a smile rises to her face. She squealed happily. "Hi!" Dave replied to her happiest squeal.

Kurt watched the two as he squeezed himself onto the couch. He fit in easily.
The blonde extended his hand as held onto Frances teeny one.

Dave watched the two with a warm smile. His chestnut eyes looking at Kurt with love.

But it was hushed. Locked away.
Krist knew. But he didn't say anything.
Dave kept a gentle hold onto Frances.

Krist and Dave watched the father and daughter. Small smiles resting on their faces.

"Okay, thank you so much. See you soon." Courtney's voice can be heard from the kitchen as the phone was hanged up.

She slammed the phone back into it's place as her heeled covered feet walked into the living room.

"Kurt, room, now. I have to talk with you." Her voice suddenly piped up.

Kurt moves his hand away from Frances. His daughter looked worried for her father as she watched him stand.

"It's okay, Frances. Your dad is just gonna go upstairs with mom. They'll be back down." Dave reassured as her head turned to face the long haired brunet.

Kurt and Courtney disappeared up the stairs.

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