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"Kurt, what's wrong? You've been acting different." Dave muttered as he rubbed Kurt's shoulder.

Kurt teared up again, holding his daughter close to himself in his arms. "It's hard now." He replied.

Frown slowly crept up onto Dave's lips. "I know it's hard, but you have Frances and me. I'm here for you." He muttered worriedly.

"–No, you don't understand. I'm fucked in my head, Dave. So fucked. Recently, I've been having thoughts." Kurt hummed as he rubbed his daughters head.

He stood himself up. Carrying his daughter back to the bedroom. Dave followed in.

Kurt laid his sleeping daughter into her crib. Sniffling as he gently tucked her in. Frances remained sleeping.

The drummer sits himself on the bed. He glanced over to see a lavender scented candle on the nightstand. He takes out his lighter and flicked it on.

He knows it was from Courtney a long time ago, but he didn't think about that.

He lights the candle. Kurt walked over to the bed and sits on it. The glow of the flame allowed some light into the room so the two can see each other and talk.

Dave extracted his lighter away and puts it into his pocket. "Talk to me, Kurt." He stared at Kurt now with concerned chestnut eyes.

"Thoughts." Kurt replied simply as he laid on his bed. His back gently laid onto his bed.

His blue eyes sulking with depression as he gazed over at Dave. Dave sighed. "C'mon, honey. Talk to me."

"Suicide." Kurt shakily muttered. He was extremely hesitant to open up.  His eyes tearing up. Dave felt his shoulders tense in shock.

"What..?" Dave croaked out. Kurt bit his trembling his lip. This caused the drummer to tear up.

Both of the men's eyes glossed with tears. Dave stared at Kurt. He couldn't look away now.

"Nevermind, it's nothing." Kurt suddenly sat himself up. He got off his bed. He was about to leave the room.

Dave quickly got himself up. He gently grabbed onto Kurt's arm. "No, don't even think about going anywhere. Especially after saying that."

Kurt turned his head. Tears started to roll down his face as Dave brought the grunge singer into a tight embrace.

Dave started to cry as he hugged Kurt close. "You can't leave Frances. You can't leave me. Your baby needs you, fuck.. I need you."

The blond hid his face into Dave's shoulder. He started to cry quietly. "I'm sorry, I'm so–"

"–No, shut up. Don't apologize for this. It's not your fault." Dave croaked out as they pulled away from the embrace.

Kurt continued to cry. "Bean has no mommy anymore!" He whimpered out. "She left! Courtney left Bean! It's my fucking fault!" He started to cry more, slurring his words from the alcohol intoxication.

He fell to his knees and hugged himself. Trying to control his breathing. Dave glanced over at the crib, seeing Frances stirring awake.

Frances lifted her head up and gently grabbed onto the cribs wooden bars. She noticed her father crying.


Dave sighed as he gets up. He walks over to Frances and leaned down. Her blue eyes stared up at Dave's brown eyes.

"Hi Frances, your dad is going to be okay. You need some sleep little one." Dave muttered as he helped Frances Bean lay back down.

He gently pats her chest as Kurt quietly cried in the background. Frances immediately felt sleepy again.

It was late at night, she couldn't control that. The youngling closed her eyes once again. Falling into her slumber.

Dave smiled a bit once the child has fallen asleep. He pecked France's little head before he walked off and knelt down to Kurt.

The blonde frontman lifted his head. Tears pooled out of his cerulean eyes. Dave pulled Kurt into a hug.

"Is my baby okay?" Kurt shakily muttered as he sniffled. Dave rubbed his crushes back as he nodded his head.

"Yes, Frances is okay." Dave replied softly.

Kissing Kurt's head.

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