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Dave's lips curled up into a smile once he heard those three words. His heart fluttered. He's been waiting to hear those words for, years.

Kurt felt Dave wrapped his arm around. Kurt's head slowly slumped itself onto Dave's shoulder. Dave started to to sigh softly as he kissed Kurt's head.

"So..you're Frances's papa now." Kurt nodded his head. Lips tugged slowly upwards onto Dave's face. "Well, then let's check our baby."

Kurt immediately got off his bed and walked himself to the crib. He leaned himself down.

Frances was still asleep. Hugging onto her little teddy bear. Her little blond hair a bit in her face.

Dave chuckled softly as he got himself up as well. He whispered the question, "how is she?"

Kurt moved his finger down, lightly moving her blond hair away from her face. "She's okay, she's just sleeping."

"Now, would you ever want to leave her?" Dave randomly asks out of the blue. Kurt's head immediately turned. "Well no of course not–"

Dave cleared his throat. "So you wont do 'it'..? I'm just making sure. Because she can't loose her mom and her–"

Kurt suddenly snapped in whisper yell. His mood swings got the best of him. "Shut the fuck up, Dave. Fuck, I love you. I love Frances more however. I'm not leaving. I'll stay strong.." he paused.

His head turned to look at his sleeping child. "..Stay strong for the both of you."

Dave felt relieved. "Okay, Hon. I'm sorry." "–No, it's fine. I get why you would be concerned about that." Kurt dismissed it, swaying his hand.

The drummer looked down at the sleeping toddler. "She's so cute." This caused Kurt to smile. "She really is
She's my little Bean. Cutest Bean in the whole world."

Dave felt his heart flutter once he heard Kurt say that. He knows how much he loves Frances.

Kurt leaned his head down and kissed Frances's tiny head. He smiled as he teared up in joy.

Dave watched Kurt with love in his chestnut eyes. Kurt sat himself up and faced Dave.

The frontman held onto Dave's hands. He slowly leaned in and kissed his newly boyfriend's lips.

Dave returned the kiss. Dave gently squeezed Kurt's hands, reassuring him that this was okay. This caused a smile to rise on Kurt's lips as he pulled back.

Both of their foreheads pressed together.

"I love you." Kurt whispered softly to his new partner.
"I love you too, Kurt." Dave immediately whispered back in return.

Both of them chuckle softly. They turned to face the crib. Holding each other close.

Listening to the soft rain and Frances's soft breathing. Dave peeped up, "You love her so much. I can see how you look at her. You're an amazing father."

Kurt felt himself tear up. "Oh I try my hardest to be." "–But there's no need to try, Kurt. You're already doing so well." Dave reassured and rubbed Kurt's shoulder.

The frontman shakes his head. "No..with my drug use. I remember what Krist said. – I can literally have her taken from me. And that thought, scares me."

Dave slowly frowned as he turned his head to face his boyfriend. "Oh honey–"

Tears filled up into Kurt's eyes. "I don't wanna loose her. You want to know why?.." he paused, wiping his eyes. Dave slowly nodded.

"..Because she's the best thing that has ever happened to me. When I hold her, it's the best drug in the world."Kurt spoke softly as he sniffled.

His cerulean gaze looking at the crib. "I'm addicted to showing her love..I love her so much." This caused Dave to chuckle softly. He rubbed his boyfriends back.

"Then stay addicted to loving your daughter, and not heroin abuse." Dave replied, in a concern and serious tone.

Kurt was about to speak but Dave cut him off, "Nah. Don't even. Krist gotten rid of all the heroin that was left in this house. You can smoke cigarettes, sure. Vodka? Once in awhile. Weed? Sometimes. But, you gotta try to stay clean for your daughter. Okay?"

Falling quiet, the blond nodded his head. His blue gaze staring at the crib that was in the room.

"Good." Dave muttered and kissed Kurt's head. "Hey hon?"


"I love you."

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