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Flushing down the heroin, Krist sighed. Watching the melted substances go down.

He broke each empty syringe as well inside. It went down without a problem.

Staring at the heartshaped box, Krist shakes his head. This was the exact same box that Kurt made for his wife.

Well, ex.

Setting it on the bathroom counter, Krist flicked off the light and walked down the steps.

Kurt was laying on the couch, passed out still while Dave and Frances were coloring pictures.

"Hey." Krist greeted as he patted Dave's back. Entering the living room. Dave lifted his head as Frances was happily drawing with her crayola crayons.

Scribbling her drawings onto the white sheet of paper. "Hi, is it?.." Dave trailes off the question as Krist nodded his head.

"Yep. It's all gone." Krist mumbled into Dave's ear as he takes a seat by Frances. "Hi sweetheart! Whatcha drawing, hm?" He asked.

This caused Dave to smile, looking at Krist and Frances. Frances lifted her head.

"Shhh!" She exclaimed before lowering her head and continuing her artwork.

Krist and Dave chuckled softly. "She's just like her father." Krist acknowledged as Dave nodded.

"She's gonna be an artist of some sort one day.." Dave says in agreement as he watched.  "–For sure."

Frances sets her crayon down and holds up the paper. Krist's and Dave's eyes look at it.

It was a drawing, of her, Kurt, Dave and Krist, standing in a flower meadow.

She has them labeled. Krist was the tallest one in the picture which made the adult men chuckle.

In her drawing, she was in between Kurt and Dave. All three of them holding hands. While Krist was drawn a bit away but not far. But Courtney wasn't even in the drawing at all.

"Dady and Papa wit me." Said at the top of the paper in sloppy handwriting.

Krist was drawn slightly away from the three and he was labeled, "Cris."
Dave started to smile and laugh softly. Krist noticed how his name was spelt and laughed along, shaking his head.

"Aww, you're her papa." Krist teased with a smirk rising to his face. Dave stared at the words at the top now.

His heart fluttered at the adorableness. "Frances, do you see me as your papa..?" Dave muttered out the question.

Frances lowered the drawing and crawled herself over to Dave. She hugged him. "Papa!"

Dave teared up as he held Frances close. Shocked by what she is referring. 

Krist stood up and ruffled Dave's head. "You have some explaining to do with Kurt when he gets up. I have to go now, Shelli is outside."

Dave blinked as Krist waved "bye" to Frances. He then calmly left the Cobain residence.

The brunet stared at Frances with shock. Frances smiled. "Love!" She spoke out.

Then it clicked.

Dave blinks his eyes a few times in disbelief. "Frances.. how do you know I love your daddy?"  Frances started to giggle.

"Buh..b..b." she babbled as she chewed on her hand again. Dave pats the toddlers back.

His chestnut eyes glanced over to see Kurt still fast asleep. Dave sighed as Frances suddenly spoke out.


Dave smiled and kissed the child's head. "Yes, you're right. I love your daddy. But shh.. it's a secret."

He held his pointer up to his lips, mimicking 'shh' to the toddler in his arms.

Frances giggled as lays her head onto Dave's chest. Drooling on the drummers shirt.

Dave held Frances close as he switched on the television. Playing the cartoons quietly.

Waiting for Kurt to wake up.

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