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Kurt couldn't get to sleep. He tried. And tried. And tried. But he couldn't. His blue cerulean gaze stared tiredly at his  sleeping daughter.

The clock read 4:15AM. Dave was passed out on the couch downstairs in the living room.

This breakdown that the blonde headed male occured happened only two hours ago.

Kurt kissed his daughters head softly. She was snuggled up. Her little head laying on her father's chest now.

From being awake so long, and crying his heart out, the alcohol was completely out of his system. Leaving him feeling empty yet loved.

Quietly, he started to sing a nursery rhyme to his child. Rubbing her back as he blinked his exhausted eyes.
The rain poured outside in the late night hours of Seattle.

"♪ Hush little baby..don't you cry,
Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird,
And If that mockingbird don't sing,
Papa Dave is gonna buy you a diamond ring, and if that ring – turns to brass,
Krist is going to get you a looking glass,
And if that glass gets to broke,
Grandma Wendy's gon' get you a goat,
And if that Billy goat won't pull,
Grandpa Donald's  gon' buy you a cart and bull,
And if that cart turns completely over,
Mama Courtney should..come on over,
And if Mommy doesn't show,
You'll have papa to come around,
Hush little baby don't you cry,
Daddy's gon' love you till we die,
And if Mommy's not a show,
Dave and I will protect you until we're old,
You're my baby, I'm your dad,
I love you so much it makes me sad,
But that's okay my sweetie girl,
Cause daddy's gon' be here for your world. ♪ "

Kurt felt himself tears rolling down his face as he sang quietly. His pointer finger lightly brushing his baby girls cheek.

Frances smiled in her sleep as she nuzzled her father's chest. Kurt suddenly broke into soft sobs.

He held his child close as he cried as quietly as he could. He takes a few deep breaths.

Calming himself, he kissed his daughters blond head. "Daddy loves you so much." He whispered.

His head slowly laid onto his pillow. Listening to the soft rain pitter pattering outside.

It calmly hits the window panes. Kurt felt his body relaxing itself to the sounds of rain and his baby girl's soft breathing.

His mind suddenly traveled to the thought of Dave. Repeating what he said in his head.

Papa Dave.

It clicked. Kurt's blue eyes widened in surprise at himself. He didn't know he was going to move on so fast from his ex-wife.

His cheeks tinted up with a soft red as he shakes his head. Calmly, he rubs Frances back.

The faint glow of the candle was still present. Kurt's cerulean gaze looked over at the candle.

Partly he leaned up his head and blew the candle out. Making the room completely dark, well. – besides the moonlight that shined in the window.

"Fuck, I fell in love with Dave." Kurt spoke out loud to himself up at the ceiling.

He bit his lip, maybe it wasn't a surprise?
Kurt furrowed his eyebrows in thought. Thinking of the memories he has with the drummer.

Then, it mentally smacked him.
He always has feelings for Dave Grohl. Ever since they met. But he hid them, and got with Courtney instead.

Now with Courtney out of the photograph of this complications of emotional feelings of love, Kurt finally realized.

He is bisexual.
He loves Dave.

Kurt sighed heavily. "I'm so dumb." He muttered to himself. Suddenly, he his finally felt the sleepiness.

Closing his eyes, he held his daughter close to him.

Falling asleep.

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