|| SIX ||

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"Hey." Dave's voice spoke to the man that was sitting in the kitchen. A bottle of vodka opened beside Kurt, journal opened across the table.

Kurt was scribbling words onto the paper. He placed his pen down once Dave takes a seat in the chair besides the blond headed man.

"You okay?" Dave asked worriedly. Kurt hummed as he grabbed the bottle. He takes a swig of it and sets it down.

Thud - Made the bottle sound as his blue gaze poured itself into Dave's facial features.

"No." Kurt simply replied. He looked down at the words written on his paper.

Dave moved his hand and placed it on top of the frontman's. "Hey man, I'm here. You know? Talk to me."

Kurt shakes his head. He moved his hand back. Pulling his sleeves over his hands. "I just need Frances, safe. I want her to be away from Courtney." He opened up a little. His voice softly spoken.

A warm tears rolled down the blonds face and dropped onto the lined paper. It dampened it a bit.

"I know, it worries me too." Dave muttered as childish laughter can be heard in the other room.

"I gotta check on my baby." Kurt sudden spoke up. He grabbed the bottle of vodka and walked himself into the living room.

Dave followed along. Courtney was laying on her stomach as she watched Frances. Her daughter was stacking her wooden blocks, exactly how she did with her father earlier.

"Hi baby!" Kurt beamed as he takes another sip of the alcoholic drink. Courtney sat up and noticed. She rolled her eyes.

Frances immediately crawled over. Hugging onto her father's leg. "Dada!!" She squealed.

"Hold this." Kurt muttered as he handed Dave the bottle. Dave takes it out of the blonds hand as he went over to the couch and sits besides Krist.

"He okay?" Krist muttered towards Dave. Dave lightly bounced the bottle on his thigh as he watched the mother, father, and child play together with the building blocks and other toys that were on the ground.

"Seems to be. But, he's hiding it. I know that." Dave replied as he lifted the bottle, taking a small swig out of it.

"You're hiding your feelings too, you know." Krist muttered back which caused Dave to lightly shove him. "Shut up." He whispered yelled which caused Krist to chuckle.

"Sorry, sorry." He apologized. Courtney stood up. "I need a smoke. Kurt, watch her."

Kurt nodded his head as he picked up Frances. He looked at his daughter with a small smile rising to his face.

Courtney grabbed her pack of cigarettes and left the room, going outside to smoke her cigarette instead.

Kurt carried Frances and sat in between Dave and Krist. "Isn't she the cutest?" He asked the two as he smiled.

"She's an angel." Dave replied as he eyed Frances. Krist nodded in agreement.

"She has your eyes." Dave acknowledged towards the blonde. His chestnut eyes glanced over to the blond headed frontman.

An intense love in his eyes. Krist noticed and smirked towards Dave, which caused Dave to look over at Krist. Snapping out of his trance.

"You agree, Krist? Frances is cute?" Dave asked, now looking at Krist with a normal friendly look.

"Oh most precious." Krist replied which caused Kurt to grin, hearing the other band members talk amongst each other.

"Yeah, yeah. She's my Bean." Kurt replied to the two as he kissed his toddlers head. Frances smiled at the three and laughed.

Suddenly, her blue gaze looked towards Dave. Her tiny hand went up and pats Dave's face.

Kurt and Krist chuckled as they watched. Dave smiled as her tiny hand moved down to the drummers shoulder and patted it.

"Love!" Frances spoke which caused Kurt to chuckle. "Love?" Dave asked. Frances grinned. "Love." She repeated.

"I think she loves you." Kurt muttered towards Dave. The drummer and frontman guitarist stared at each other with love.

Frances looked at the two. Her eyes going back and forward before she giggled. Laying her little blond head onto her father's chest.

"Love.." She whispered and closed her eyes.

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