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Dave cleared his throat. He is holding the sleeping toddler in his arms as he started a conversation with the blond headed frontman.

"So, how is she?" Dave suddenly asked. Kurt hummed softly as he moved some of his daughters hair out of her sleeping eyes.

"She's okay. She misses Courtney, but.. I have no idea where the woman went. She completely disappeared." Kurt muttered heartbrokenly as he tucked up his knees.

"..Yeah, I understand that. But it's better without Courtney." Dave hesitantly replied.

Kurt suddenly fell quiet. Dave bit the inside of his cheek as he stood up with Frances in his arms.

"I'm, gonna take Frances to her bed. Okay Kurt?" Dave muttered as Kurt nodded his head slowly.

Dave went to the stairs. He started to walk up them. He walked slowly. Frances fluttered her eyes open.

Her blue eyes stared up at Dave as they made it to the top of the stairs. "Hi Frances, I'm just taking you to bed." Dave muttered.

"Love." Frances spoke as Dave walked down the hallway. "You love me, Frances?" He asked and Kurt's daughter nodded her head.

"You love." She replied as Dave opened the bedroom door. Holding Frances with one arm.

"I love? Yes I do love you." Dave replied as he carried her into the bedroom. Frances clinged onto Dave's hoodie.

"You love." She repeated as Dave halted his steps. Close to the childs crib. Looking down at the toddler in his arms. "What do I love?" The drummer decided to ask.

Frances grinned as she laid her head onto Dave's chest. She remained quiet now.

Dave knitted his dark eyebrows together. He changed the subject. "How about I read you a bedtime story?" He asked. Eyeing the bookshelf.

Frances squealed and nodded repeatedly. Kurt started to walk up the stairs. A bottle of pills in his hand as he slowly walked himself into the bathroom. Vodka in the other hand.

Dave didn't notice, unfortunately. But Frances did. She pointed to the bathroom and went teary eyed.

"Dada!" She cried out. Dave furrowed his eyebrows. "Is daddy in the bathroom?" But the toddler didn't answer.

She started to cry more. She knew something was wrong. Dave got himself up, holding Frances with one arm.

He knocked on the bathroom door. "Kurt? You okay?" "–Leave me alone." Kurt's voice muttered back in reply. Suddenly the sound of a vodka bottle crashing on the floor can be heard.

Frances for startled and started to cry more. Dave started to coo and comfort the crying child as he knocked on the door.

"Kurt, opened this door. Your daughter is crying!"Dave scolded out in worry. Suddenly the bathroom doors lock unhatched.

Kurt opened the door. His cheeks tear stained. His eyes red and puffy. "Hand Bean to me." His voice cracked.

Dave handed Frances to Kurt. Kurt takes his child and sits himself in the hallway.

His back against the wall, holding his toddler close as he started to cry. "I'm sorry baby for scaring you. Daddy didn't mean it." He muttered. Dave can smell the alcohol on his breath.

Dave sat himself next to Kurt and Frances. Frances stopped her crying. She eyed up her father with worry.

"Daddy..?" She whispered out as Kurt held his tears back. He rubbed his toddlers back. "No more crying. Daddy's okay. Daddy loves you." He slurred out.

Rubbing his daughters back. His head laid against the wall. Frances Bean laid her head down onto her father's chest.

She listened to his rapid heart beat. It made her sleepy. She closed her eyes. Falling asleep on her father.

Kurt lifted his head and kissed his daughters head. "I'm sorry." He whispered but she didn't hear him. She was fast asleep.

Dave wrapped an arm around Kurt. Kurt laid his head onto Dave's shoulder. Not even hesitant.

The drummer smiled a little as he rubbed Kurt's shoulder. "You okay?" He muttered.

"No, but I want to be." Kurt replied.

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