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Kurt held his daughter Frances. He stood himself up. His toddler in his arms. Currently it was 6:00PM. "Is my baby hungry?" He asked.

The nanny was currently doing laundry in the laundry room. A smile across her face as she works.

Frances nodded her head. Kurt hummed as he entered the kitchen with his child in his arms.

"Do you want an apple? Or.. a banana?" Kurt muttered out as he eyed the fruit. Frances shakes her head. Pointing to the fridge.

Kurt opened the fridge door. "Ah, I see. You want a yogurt huh?" Frances nodded her head. "Okay, but I'm adding some apple on the side. You need your fruit."

Frances pouted as Kurt grabbed the yogurt. Holding his daughter in one hand. He carried her to her high chair.

He sits her inside of it and sets the small container of yogurt down on the table. He buckled her in as he sniffled quietly. The container of yogurt and apple sauce on the table.

"Let me go get you a small plate. Plastic. So you don't break it." Kurt started to laugh which caused Frances to giggle.

Kurt walked over and opened the cabinet. He picked out a purple colored plastic toddler plate. Along with a plastic baby silverware spoon.

His lanky legs walked back to where his toddler was sitting. She started to get fussy because she is hungry.

"I know, baby. Hold on. Daddy's getting it." Kurt reassured as he opened the yogurt. He scooped a tiny amount of yogurt and placed it onto the plate.

Placing the plate in front of her. She immediately puts her hands into it and starts to eat it.

Kurt laughed softly. "Guess we aren't using a spoon today." He joked. Frances licked her yogurt covered finger as she pointed to the spoon. Her clothes slightly covered in the food.


Kurt hummed as he pulled a seat. Sitting in front of his daughter, he started to help her eat. Using the spoon and feeding his daughter.

"Nanny is going to give you a bath tonight, okay?" Kurt says as Frances finished a bite.

She squealed happily and clapped her hands together. "Ya! Ya! Ya!" Kurt felt himself tear up in happiness.

He loves his daughter so much. He nodded as Frances finished her yogurt.
"Now, you're going to have two bites of apple sauce. Okay?"

Frances pouted. Kurt laughed as he opened the apple sauce container. "Just two, you need the fruit."

Frances pouted again. "Nuh!" Kurt sighed with a smile on his face.

"Please? Look, watch daddy." Kurt spoke softly to his daughter as he takes a bite of the apple sauce. He swallowed it. "See, baby? That easy."

Frances pouted once more. "Nuh!" Kurt shakes his head. "Okay, one bite? Please?" He asked as he scooped a bite for Frances.

His daughter opened her mouth in defeat. Kurt smiled as he guides the spoon to her mouth. "Here it comes! Wooooosh."

The plastic spoon lands in her mouth as she eats the apple sauce. She swallowed it and gasped dramatically.

Kurt smiled as the Nanny walks in. "I heard it's bathtime for this little one?" She asked as Kurt nodded his head.

"I believe so, what do you think Bean?" Kurt asks his daughter and she squealed in reply.

The Nanny picks up Frances out of highchair and carries her upstairs to the bathroom.

Kurt followed them to living room  and sat himself on the couch. Watching the two head up the stairs as he sighed softly.

He grabbed his cigarette pack from the coffee table and switched on the television.

Switching through the channels with the remote, until he found something somewhat interesting.

He hears Frances's happiness from upstairs in the bathtub. Kurt slowly tugged his lips onto a smile as he placed a cigarette to his lips.

Flicking the lighter on, he lights himself a cigarette. He pulled the lighter back and takes a drag.

"Whew.." Kurt muttered as he sluggishly slumps into the couch. Smoking his cigarette as he heard his daughters happiness in the bathroom.

Her squeals and laughter - it truly made Kurt's heart melt in how cute it was.

Taking another drag of the cigarette, he exhaled the white cloud of smoke into the air.

Feeling himself relax.

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