|| NINE ||

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The performance came to it's close. Kurt tossed his guitar onto the floor. Watching it break.

He started to stumble across the stage. Laughing, not even singing anymore. Dave finished the outro with the clashing of the drums.

Krist noticed Kurt was about to fall off the stage and quickly went over. But he was too late. Kurt fell backwards and straight into the crowd.

Pretty much crowd surfing.

Fans completely grabbed onto Kurt. Tugging on his hair and clothes. "Mm.." Kurt groaned out as he squirmed in the amount of hands that were reaching and clinging onto him.

Security rushed over, and eventually pushed the fans back. Krist extended his hand out as Kurt grasps onto it.

He was pulled back on stage. Stumbling a bit. Dave jumped over his drum set and went over.

He placed a hand onto the frontman's back as he carefully guided the doped male closer to the backstage. Krist following along.

Kurt had some scratch marks across his face. He panted heavily. Courtney suddenly walked over to the microphone.

She tapped it which made the high pitched feedback ring. Causing all the Nirvana fans to go silent.

Dave, Krist, and Kurt stopped their steps. Dave turned his head to watch what she was going to say. An arm wrapped around Kurt so he wouldn't fall.

Krist was silently watching too.

"Listen, bitches!" Courtney shouted into the microphone. "You could've killed my husband just now! You be easy on him! He's not your play thing. He's mine you nasty sluts!"

She used her heeled shoe and kicked the microphone down. Grabbing the broken fender and stomping her way backstage.

Booing sounds came from the audience. Kurt suddenly walked over to the microphone which caused immediately cheering to return.

Kurt picked up the microphone and tapped onto it s few times. He smiled a bit.

Dave and Krist watched. Dave suddenly walked over and placed a hand onto his crushes back so he wouldn't fall.

Krist sighed as he decided to go backstage. He lights himself a cigarette as he listens to what occured on stage.

Courtney has a bottle of vodka in her hands, practically chugging it out of anger, backstage.

"I'm sorry about my wife." Kurt slurred into the microphone. Blinking his doped eyes slowly. Small groans left his lips for a moment then he started to speak again.

"..She can be hassle."

The audience listened with intent. Dave's brown eyes turned to look at the blond. Eyeing him with love.

".. She's tough. Hard to leave." Kurt slurred as he lowered his head. Using his hands to hold on the mic.

Courtney gasped from backstage, lowering the empty bottle and tossing it to the floor. She broke it.

Krist only watched her pissed off actions, silent.

".. Yet I'm there for her." Kurt continued as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. He panted a bit as he continued his speech.

"..For Frances, my baby girl...I know she sees me on the television right now."

Cheering occured again as Dave rubbed Kurt's back. The cameras been aimed and Livestreamed this entire performance.

And Kurt was right.

Frances has her blue eyes tiredly staring at the television in the living room. A smile on her face. The Nanny covers her up with a pink starry blanket.

"..And I would like to say," Kurt paused as he closed his eyes for a moment. Taking a deep breath as he opened them.

High pitched ringing occured in his ears, his heart pounding in his chest.
He weakly lifted his head as he stared into the camera lenses.

Rather than the audience. His pupils were pinpointed from the heroin in his system.

"Daddy loves you, Frances Bean. Now go to bed, I Love You."  He croaked out into the microphone.

He then walked off the stage with Dave. Loud cheering occured in the audience as the live broadcast ended.

The nanny shuts off the television. "No more TV sweetheart, your daddy's going to bed too. Same with mommy, and his friends Dave and Krist." She explained.

Frances lifted her head tiredly and yawned. "I miss Daddy." She croaked out and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

The nanny picked up Frances, holding the toddler in her arms. The pink blanket draped over the little child.

"I know sweetie, he'll be back home tomorrow." Nanny replied as she laid the sleepy child into her crib.

She kissed Frances's head.

Frances fell asleep, dreaming about her father...

and Dave.

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