Figure x Reader (Platonic)

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Crawling around the library, they realised things were getting more difficult. Every book they withdrew from the shelves made the entity quicken its pace as it desperately searched for the missing books. Every so often, they'd pop a marshmallow into their mouth and let it melt. The bag sat snugly in their pocket, and they barely made a sound whenever they reached into it.

They couldn't keep evading it, as it kept cornering them. It's heavy footsteps caused the ground to shake, and they felt themself lose balance. Falling on their back, they dropped the books with a thud.

Hearing the ruckus, the entity stormed over, its hands brushing over the covers of the books. Scrambling backwards, (Y/n) tried to avoid the entity's long limber arms and outstretched fingers.

Unwarned, (Y/n) was strictly grabbed by the waist and hoisted into the air. Shoving their hand into their pocket, they pulled out a final marshmallow until they noticed how close to the entity's mouth they were; it was just below them. They could land a marshmallow into it if they positioned themself according.

Dropping the treat, it landed into Figure's mouth and startled it. Instead of tearing (Y/n)'s head off, it set them down on their feet and continued eating the marshmallow. From the looks of things, it really enjoyed the sweet taste of the confectionery.

"You..aren't going to kill me then?" (Y/n) asked, to no verbal response.

Hunching itself over a bit, it bowed down, indirectly asking for a second marshmallow.

This entire time it was simply hungry?

Daring a second time, (Y/n) popped another marshmallow into its mouth. Appreciatively, it nuzzled its head against their cheek.

Staring at it head on, (Y/n) noticed the lack of eyes; its whole face was a rounded mouth, rows upon rows of honed teeth occupying it. A sharp tongue laid at the bottom, gingerly taking licks of the treat in its mouth.

Outstretching their arm, they ghosted a hand over the skeletal structure on its chest, their fingers making contact with the bone. Carefully, they traced the rib to the side of its torso, seeing it was attached to a spine; the spine dug out of its maroon skin. 

"Are you still hungry?" (Y/n) squeaked, taking the bag out of their pocket and raising it towards the entity's clawed hands.

Acknowledging the bag, it clasped its fingertips around it, making a twisting motion to get an in depth feel of the material; this was something Figure was unfamiliar with, as it had never held a bag of marshmallows.

Dipping its hand in the bag, Figure withdrew a marshmallow and slotted it into its mouth. Carefully, its tongue pierced it and carried the candy behind its teeth. Sucking on it, it gave a contented, higher pitched growl.

Lowering itself even more, Figure felt around for the human who treated it and wrapped its slender arms around them.

"Aww, you like me?" (Y/n) sang out in a cheery voice, holding the entity's hand.

Rubbing their cheek against the entity's fingers, they noticed how it hung its head in a remorseful stance.

"Is there something wrong?" (Y/n)'s bubbly tone was replaced by one of concern; even if they'd known the entity for a matter of moments, it was the only one who was reluctant to kill them,"Are you ok?"

Letting out a small roaring sound, the entity emitted a light from the back of its throat, illuminating the bookshelves surrounding them. As the light faded, (Y/n) grew closer, planting the head on the side of Figure's waist. Their arms secured them and an appreciative growl, accompanied by a slight smile tugging at the entity's mouth, showed it enjoyed the closeness.

Eyeing the book behind them, they saw a mint aura emitting from it. Sliding it off the shelf, they found part of a code within its pages. Naturally, they assumed it was of high importance.

Stealing the book from (Y/n)'s hand, the entity placed it back in its position on the shelf. (Y/n) finally realised what it was fueling the entity's intentions: loneliness. Being locked away in a library without the ability to see was a treacherous punishment, and Figure longed for nothing more than company. (Y/n) assumed the entities were incapable of moving from their assigned domains; the exceptions to that rule being those who moved through the hotel to catch players, such as Rush and Ambush.

Sliding its hands underneath (Y/n)'s arms, it hoisted them up and positioned them onto its shoulders. Carefully, they raised their feet as to not kick at its ribs.

Their arms wrapped around its neck, and their hands loosely fell down its chest.

Wandering up and down the library, it scavenged until it came and took a piece of paper it'd left on the desk.

Crudely pictured on the paper was a series of shapes, the third of which being the one they saw in the book earlier, which had the number '3' on the page across it. 

"Are you saying we go together?" (Y/n) questioned, feeling somewhat stupid about their inquiry.

Letting a soft growl out, it nodded. Handing them back their bag of marshmallows, it made its way up the stairs on the upper decking of the library and to the lock on the door.

Every time it flicked a number on the lock, it gave a short, inquisitive growl, as if it were asking whether it were correct or not.

Whenever the number was correct, (Y/n) hummed and, whenever the number was incorrect, they made a little groan.

A click signified the lock was undone, and Figure stomped through into the next room, (Y/n) riding on its shoulders.

Resting their chin on its head, they felt a slight surge of power; they were under the protection of possibly one of the most powerful entities in the hotel, and nothing could come between them.

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