Injured!Figure x Reader (Fluff +Angst)

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(F/n1) and (F/n2) struggled to maintain the right pace with Figure; he strode forward in search of something. (Y/n) held a firm belief they knew what it was Figure was looking for, or who.

Low grumbles vibrated in Figure's chest, and (Y/n) could sense it in their legs, as they rode down its front. Sitting high on his shoulders, they enjoyed the the privilege of transportation; Figure's long, lanky legs took no effort to sweep them through, room by room.

"He's looking for something..what are you looking for?" (F/n2) asked, taking in Figure's weird observing,"I know you're looking for something. Tell us what it is, and we can find it for you."

Raising his arm above the ground, he roughly estimated the height of the human who had attacked him. There wasn't much else to go off of, because he couldn't describe what he couldn't see. Whatever the human looked like, they wouldn't know until they saw them.

"So, we're on the lookout for a human? Are we going to kill them?" (F/n1) inquired, staring up at them with narrowing eyes,"Why are we doing this?"

"Because he didn't deserve to be struck down like that, poor guy." (Y/n) declared, petting Figure's head lovingly, getting a soft growl from him.

"I know we're meant to be protecting him, but why are we doing that again?" (F/n1) piped up, acknowledging the way (Y/n) had become attached to him.

(Y/n) rubbed their hand in circles, a comforting motion, setting Figure at ease. His mout let a light purring out, and (Y/n)'s heart warmed,"Because he deserves better. He's so adorable and misjudged."

Humming in agreement, (F/n2) stood by their choice. Meanwhile, (F/n1) was growing suspicious of their whole operation, deeming as sketchy and questionable.

Reading their expression, (Y/n) could see distrust,"If you disagree then just tell us and we'll go on without you."

"No, no! I'm not opposing this. What if Figure gets violent and-"

"Does he look violent to you? Look at how much love he's giving to (Y/n)!" (F/n2) butted in, cutting (F/n1) off.

True to their word, Figure was nuzzling his head on (Y/n)'s torso. He was wary as he did so, cautious as to not hurt himself on accident. (Y/n) was also very careful to avoid his bruises.

"Such a loveable guy, no?" (F/n2) rhetorically questioned.

"I wouldn't say so."

The voice of a bold old man spoke up, coming from the previous door. He was dressed quite ruggedly, with a brown trenchcoat, worn dress shoes, beige trousers and a black bowl hat. Stubble littered his jawline like grey confetti.

"That creature is a horrendous freak of nature that I'll kill if it's the last thing I do! Get away from it!"

He stumbled forwards, trying to grab (Y/n) off Figure. Figure's clutch on (Y/n) gree tighter and (Y/n) held him closer.

(F/n2) sped to their side, kicking the man in the shins. He collapsed to the floor, his battered visage facing upward as he fell,"Get off of that child!"

Figure, though not capable of fluent speech, growled a single word,"No."

His attempts to ward off the man were in vain, as he snatched them and dragged them onto the ground. Devastated by the inability to see or feel (Y/n), Figure clawed at random. The man was knocked to the ground in an instant, blood gushing from his punctured cheek and he screamed,"You bastard!"

Worried, Figure backed away; he knew he was going to be beat by that man again.

Lunging at Figure, the man drew a hammer from the inside of his tattered trenchcoat. The minute the weapon was drawn, the humans were drawn to Figure, offering protection.

(F/n1) launched themself at the old man, tackling him to the floor. They took a clean whack to the face, bruising their cheekbone. He tossed them to the floor, and the sickening thud made Figure recoil in dread of what was to come.

"Anyone else want to end up like that?" He cockily snarled, planting his sole on their face as they shuddered.

The two kept their guard up, anticipating any attacks yet to happen. Figure didn't deserve any of it, and they stood by that fact.

Booting the man in the shin, (F/n2) fought back. His grip on the hammer loosened and they grabbed it from him without hesitation.

Threateningly, they held it in an defensive stance,"If you leave us and him alone, we'll let you live."

Scowling, he held his shin,"I'm not stopping until I kill that thing."

"Lay a finger on his and I'll end you myself." (Y/n) threatened, holding a balled fist at him.

Figure, understanding that they were protecting him, let out a scared whimper. He didn't want to be hurt, he just wanted to be loved.

Sighing, the man held onto his leg tighter,"You think I'll let that walk free? Oh the streets of my country?"

"Oh great, politics. Just, shut up before I end you for mentioning that." (F/n1) hissed, ready to plant their heel into his chest.

"Fine, I'll go. If I do much as see that thing again, I'll kill-"

"Shut it with your schoolteacher vibes, nobody cares. You're in an abandoned hotel filled with entities and the first thing you do is bitch about them to themselves? Dumbass." (F/n1) snapped, interrupting his patronising speech,"You're not above anyone because you're the scum of the Earth. Now, screw off you bozo."

With that, he turned and left, limping into the depths of the hotel. (Y/n) practically threw themself into Figure's arm, beaming broadly,"I told you we'd sort it, and we did, didn't we?"

Figure affectionately flung his arms around them, softly growling gratefully at their kindness and loyalty. Even if he couldn't say it, they knew he was thankful.

Hoisting them back onto his shoulders, Figure got them engaged into the main task; escaping.

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