Seek X Figure (Smut + Fluff)

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December was a harsh time. The draughts blowing into the library made Figure shiver, not that there was anything to be done about it; the hotel had no gas to heat it with, leaving him frigid.

Figure was the only entity with skin, being an anomaly among them. None of the others understood the sensation. As Figure's fingers numbed, he tried to flex them.

A quite obnoxiously loud pound came from the door, distracting Figure from his issue. Seek swung the doors open, his cocky posture and effortless strut indicating a very high spirit.

"You won't believe what I-"

His nonexistent tongue was bitten as he took note of the entity's skin; unlike usual, it had a rigid pattern.

Running his sloppily formed fingers over Figure's forearm, he debated the cause, turning to the aforementioned entity for an answer,"What is this on your skin? Has someone hurt you?"

The overprotective undertones had Figure flushed pink, cupping his face with one hand as he practically swooned.

Shaking his head in a response, Figure pulled his hand away from his cheek and  raised the arm Seek was touching. There was a warmth against his skin from the contact, and he enjoyed the way his fingers ran up his arm. The fluid motion, unstopped by any discomfort, was wonderful.

"Do that?" Seek mumbled, his thoughtful eye moving up to catch any signs of a response from the taller entity.

"Very much, yes. I'm just so cold, is all." A light voice, comparable to the snow falling outside, replied.

Figure wasn't normally touchy, often yanking himself away from any in a heartbeat or less. Seek, testing his theory, moved his hand up Figure's arm, caressing his shoulder.

The muscles in Figure's face tugged at the corners of his mouth, stretching a discreet smile into view. To let Seek reach him better, Figure bent forwards at an angle.

The backs of his hands were sluggishly dragging along on the floor as he swayed his arms back and forth at a slow pace. His knuckles tapped the floor every few seconds, but Seek didn't make any change at the noise.

Leaned upwards, Seek curled his arms around Figure's neck, pressing his chest against Figure's in the process,"Do you like that?"

"You don't need to keep asking. Of course I do because it's you." Figure dived downwards, scooping Seek up in his lengthy arms and swaying from side to side, the entity in his grasp.

Being so close to the entity's body made his cheeks flush a bright red, but Figure didn't pay any attention to it.

Leaning in near Figure's ear, or what compromise he had, Seek lowly whispered,"Let's get warming you up."

Figure felt something in his chest; his heart seemed to send a sharp heat through his body with every beat. His lower jaw quivered as he tried to form a word,"S-Seek... you're not saying-"

Seek's warm fingers crawled up Figure's neck, and he winced at the temp. Throwing his head back, Figure whimpered at the touch, only to have Seek pull at his chin to level it.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. We'll have to see how it goes." Seek groaned, leaning his head to the left of Figure's and sharply brushing against it, feeling Figure's freezing skin,"Come, let's warm you up now."

The larger entity set the shorter onto the ground, hearing his feet tap on the floor before letting go. A disappointed murmur escaped Figure's jaws as he pulled away, losing Seek's heat.

One of Seek's fingers was planted onto his right shoulder, tensing the entity, gradually moving on downwards. The palm greeted Figure's soft member, grinding against it. The breaths leaking from Figure, the shaking gasps and surprised yelps, had Seek smirking triumphantly.

"Tell me you'll go easy, I've never done this before." Figure softly purred, feeling his knees begin to buck as Seek's fingers surrounded his length.

There was a needy twitch from Figure's length, and Seek felt it. Circling his thumb on the tip, he earned himself a choked whimper.

"Tell me you want this." Seek ordered, his movement ceasing,"I want to hear it."

There was a contemplative pause as Figure breathed heavily,"I want this."

"What is it you want, exactly?" Seek teased, moving his thumb before stopping again.

A sharp jolt of pleasure coursed his body as his lower jaw trembled,"I-I want you.."

"You want me to...? What do you want me to do to you?" Seek's lustful tone barked.

"I want you to fuck me." Figure whimpered, almost disappointed in himself for wanting it,"Please."

Seek's tantalising strokes continued as Figure let out an array of pleasured sounds. He felt every inch of Seek's hand pressing on his member.

There was a momentary pause and a displeased groan from Figure,"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing at all." Seek huffed, stroking faster.

A knot was building in Figure's abdomen as his breaths grew ragged,"Seek, there's- Oh, I'm gonna-"

He came over himself, making a mess of his torso. He heaved out a low groan as he did, not that Seek's jerking slowed.

When he was positive Figure was done, Seek scooped all the cum into his fingers, lubricating them, before shoving one into Figure's entrance.

He gave a yelp as Seek forced his finger in, adjusting himself to it. He'd never done anything like it in the past, but he was willing to try.

Seek pumped it in, earning shaky breaths from Figure, who bent over his desk to level with Seek.

The muscles in his legs tensed, and his thighs shook uncontrollably the further Seek's fingers plunged into him. He enjoyed it more than he'd anticipated, and his length hardened with every thrust.

"I think we'll end it here with this next orgasm. " Seek told him, his tone still low and taunting.

Figure didn't have the words to respond, his voice worn through from the high moans that kept squeaking out of him.

Seek hadn't given himself any attention and didn't want to. He was purely focused on his partner, warming and pleasuring him. Daring a second finger, Seek picked up the pace, thrusting in his fingers hastily.

Figure arched his back as electricity seemed to pulse through his veins with every pump. He didn't know what Seek was doing, but it felt glorious.

"Seek...!" Figure cried out, his voice hoarse from all the strain on his vocal chords,"I'm gonna-"

His orgasm hit, numbing him entirely as the cum was drained out of him. His thudding heartbeat echoed in his ears as his tongue limply hung out his mouth. There wasn't anything but pleasure in the moment.

His skin was warmth with sweat and he took a minute to collect himself. Leaning on his desk, Figure felt around for Seek.

"I'm right here, Figure." Seek called, waving his arm as if he could see it,"You warm now?"

"Yeah, just tired now." Figure sighed, putting a hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat," it normal for my heartbeat to be like this?"

Amused, Seek assured him it was the aftereffect of his lust. Taking him by the hand, Seek led him to a room.

"Why do you want me to leave the library? I feel safe there." Figure whined, feeling Seek drag him through the doorway.

He kept walking until Seek suddenly halted, opening a door and leading him inside one of the rooms sprouting off of the main hallway.

The duvet of a bed caught Figure's attention as Seek slowly pushed him onto it, gripping him by the shoulders, his thumbs on his collarbone. Nuzzling his face close to Figure's, Seek kissed him. It wasn't the same as the kiss of a human, just the liquid component that Seek consisted of lightly brushing against his skin in a tickling sensation.

Grabbing the duvet, Seek threw it over the two of them.

Seek was laid on Figure's chest, the taller entity's hand on his back to secure him in place. Next to no time passed before they were sleeping soundly.

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