M!Eyes x F!Sally/Window (Fluff)

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His thirty seven eyes scanned the room; he could've sworn that something had moved. With eyesight as good as his, it was near impossible for a single thing to get past him. Yet here he was, hoping whatever he had scarcely missed would return.

He would've sighed at this point, but he didn't physically have the lung capacity (or even the lungs) to do so.

Crashing in the distance, the thunder drew his attention to the glazed panes; how the hell they stayed so pristine and clear was an answer left to time.

Raindrops trickled down the windows, the lightning flashing again.


There it was.

There she was.

A little girl, stood just in front of the windowsill. Her piercing white eyes and gleaming, cheery smile caught his attention.

"A child? Oh, little girl, are you lost?" Eyes questioned, adjusting his violet tie and his ebony blazor to appear professional.

Timidly, she shook her head from side to side. This mysterious child looked no older than the age of seven.

"Sweetie, do you have a mother or father I can take you to?" Eyes questioned again, his questioning becoming more of an interrogation.

That's when it clicked; this little girl wasn't a human, she was an entity. Staring at Eyes, she'd silently stated that she was no human; no human could survive Eyes' penetrating and agonising glare.

"You're...?" Eyes mused, losing his train of thought due to his unspoken awe.

"...My name is Sally. People call me Window." She shyly introduced, her meek, childish voice quiet with intimidation.

Extending his arms, Eyes offered Sally his comfort,"Come here, Sally. Let's get you warmed up. This room is quite chilly, isn't it?"

Gazing up at him with blank eyes, Sally raised her arms and gestured to be picked up.

Carefully, Eyes scooped the fragile child up and used his arms to support her. She stayed as close to him as possible, finding some trust in this other entity. She'd never been taught to not trust strangers, so she believed he would do her no harm.

And she was right; Eyes couldn't find it in himself to reject this paternal feeling he felt. He wanted to father this child, to protect her and raise her as his own.

Setting her down on one of the beds in the spare bedrooms, Eyes tucked her into bed.

Throwing the blankets off, Sally shook her head,"I don't want to go to sleep yet! I've just met you, you're my new friend!"

Crawling over to him, she tugged on the bottom of his blazor. A timid girl gone easily excitable was just what Eyes had always desired in a child, in the very few times his mind had scraped over the topic. It's not like he could have one of his own, as he wasn't even certain whether it was possible for entities to reproduce.

"Oh, okay. My name is Eyes, as they're my most distinctive feature." Eyes introduced, not sparing the slight brag.

"Are you my dad?" She asks, the most innocent look in her milk white eyes.

His heart stopped for the whole of four seconds; this little girl was in need of a father figure, searching in a place of sinister evils. Guidance was what she needed, and he was going to give her that.

"I'm not your dad, Sally. I can be if you want me to." Eyes offered, getting the child to snuggle up to his side,"Oh?"

Sally was embracing Eyes, clutching his side as she knelt besides him,"I can have a dad?"

"Yes, I'll be your dad. For now, you need to go to sleep." He tells her, putting an arm around her shoulders and rubbing her back.

"Noo..." Sally protested, squeezing his side with her arms,"I'm not tired!"

Making a sound alike to a sigh, Eyes hoisted her up in his arms and held her close. Walking through several rooms and into a kitchenette, Eyes came up with a method to calm Sally enough to get her to sleep.

Pouring some milk into a saucepan, Eyes lit up the hob on the stovetop and stirred it. Sally, too short to see what he was doing, got on her tiptoes and tried to look,"What are you doing?"

"I'm making a drink for you, sweetie." Eyes told her, patting her hair with his spare hand,"Then, you can go to sleep."

Processing this, Sally appeared perplexed,"A drink? What is it?"

"Hot milk, Sally." Eyes explained to her,"It should make you tired. Go on, sit down and we'll sit by the fire for a little bit once it's done."

Wandering into the next room, Sally sat down by the fireplace. The chair was too high up for her short legs, and she had to climb up it to reach. Idly, she swung her legs back and forth in wait of Eyes.

Eventually, the milk was nice and warm, so he poured it into two separate cups. Milk wasn't something Eyes usually drank, seeing as he didn't really have the mouth to drink it with or a tongue to taste it with, so he saw no point.

Returning to Sally's presence, Eyes set her glass of warm milk on the coffee table besides her chair before taking a seat of his own.

"So, how long have you been in this hotel for? Do you know, Sally?" Eyes asked her, putting his glass to where his mouth would be if he had one, absorbing the drink.

"No. I just whoosh around." She says, making an explosion hand gesture.

"You 'Whoosh' around?" Eyes enquired.

With sparkling eyes, Sally said,"Like this!"

The lightning outside flashed, and she disappeared into thin air, distressing Eyes.

"Oh, Sally, where are you?" He asked aloud, calling her name.

Another flash of lightning and she had returned to her seat, a yawn slipping out of her.

"Let's get you to be, sweetie. Quickly drink your milk and we'll get you tucked in." Eyes told her, his eyes shining.

So, we can do the exact same thing? This teleportation, I can do it as well.

Chugging the milk, Sally was incredibly hyped up to be tucked in, again, by a father figure.

With a smile, Sally slips off of the chair, after setting the glass on the coffee table, and tried clambering onto the chair Eyes was on.

Picking Sally up, he kept her tight in his arms before fading out of existence with her. Reappearing in the bedroom, Eyes set Sally down on the bed and tucked her in, lovingly.

"Goodnight, sweetie." Eyes said, patting her head.

"No, I can't sleep." Sally whined,"Not on my own, there's monsters!"

Chuckling, Eyes was amused,"Sally, we are the monsters."

Her eyes twinkled,"We are?"

Nodding, Eyes repeated,"We are the monsters."

Exiting the room, he flicked off the lights,"Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let Hide steal you or let Screech bite."

Nestling into the pillows, Sally smiled as she fell asleep.

Not a screech came from the ink creature and Sally slept soundly.

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