Guiding Light X Sick!Reader (Fluff)

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Outside the hotel it was thundering; a cruel storm kept the world awake with its rumbling and crashing.

Dripping wet from the rain, (Y/n) entered the hotel. Their skin was icy cold and they could barely keep from shivering. The hotel was the only place they could seek refuge, and they knew of the horrors inside. Having escaped before, (Y/n) knew not to tread far in incase Rush came darting through.

Their shallow breaths went undergrad as they sniffled. Sighing, (Y/n) scowled,"Why must I be sick?"

The familiar appearance of the oak desk caught their attention as they dragged their feet reluctantly to get the key. Perhaps there was an infirmary they could visit to treat themself?

Clasping the key between quivering fingers, they moved toward the door and unlocked it. A hardly noticeable twinkle caught their ear as they jammed the key into the lock. However small, it still caught their attention.

"Hello? Is there someone there?" (Y/n) called out, almost sneezing,"If there is..leave me alone."

Their courageous projection was nothing short of a facade to hide their cowardliness; especially after last time, they refused to delve into the depths of the hotel.

Hoping to not have gained the attention of an entity, (Y/n) clasped their hands over their mouth.

Uncovering their mouth, they chose to threaten aloud to nobody,"Don't come near me! I'm sick and I won't hesitate to make you sick too! I'll..uh..I'll cough on you! Yeah, don't want that now, do you Rush? Yeah stay away from me. Unless you wanna be sick. Which is weird. I'm going to stop talking now."

Guiding Light's presence was overlooked and, despite the human seeing them many times before, they went unseen.

Dawdling in the first room, (Y/n) left the keys in the lock so the entities couldn't somehow pick it and get through.

Sniffling, they felt their nose block up and they groaned tiredly,"Ugh. I don't wanna be sick! It's boring and tiresome."

Intrigued, Guiding Light stopped to observe the human's behaviour; the loud noises they were making were concerning them. They knew there was a policy so that entities could not interact with humans -aside from doing their job- but they felt this unique situation was an outlier.

Struggling to breathe, (Y/n) choked on their own saliva as they tried to breathe in through their blocked nose. Guiding Light was perplexed and very worried.

Forming a humanoid body temporarily, Guiding Light appeared before them in a glorious blue hue. Hovering above the ground by an inch, they offered forward a hand.

(Y/n), feeling on the brink of death, glared at this higher being carelessly, nothing but annoyance on their visage," I now seeing things..? Am I delusional now? Should I not have eaten that kind stranger's sweets? Haha, just kidding, don't take things if a stranger offers you them."

" not afraid." Guiding Light's calm words sounded distant, as if they weren't in the room.

"Why so formal? I'm not royalty, you can tone it down a notch, you know?" (Y/n) groaned, trying to sniff the air through their nose.

Perplexed, Guiding Light extended their hand even further,"I wish to aid you in your quest, human. The predicament you are in is beyond human comprehension. I advise you-"

Coughing their lungs out, (Y/n) covered their mouth. Each cough made their whole body shake as they squeezed their eyes closed,"Sorry, just kind of dying here."

Guiding Light, having ignored their insults and questions, continued to offer their guidance to them.

"I've been here before, I know who you are and I'm on the verge of death. I'm busy dying. If you want to try help me not die, you're welcome to stay. If not, then just leave me to do it peacefully." (Y/n) commanded, hacking up their lungs.

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