April fools

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A garbled static ran through the walls of the hotel, shaking the floor with its frequencies as it zipped across the aged mahogany.

The wail of such a horrifying creature had them hiding in the wardrobes, hurling themselves to the very back as it came zooming into the room.

Ambush and Rush were both trembling at the sounds it emitted, and the grey entity whispered out of fear,"D-Do I usually sound like that? That's horrifying! No wonder humans fear us!"

As they tore through the room, each bulb shattered in its wake, the place no more than a dim prison for the entities.

"Seriously, what is it? Is this some joke I wasn't let in on for some reason? Is this some reference I won't get? C'mon, tell me, Rush." Ambush pesters, his face plastered with an unamused scowl as he grows all the more impatient,"Where's Guiding Light at times like these? Shouldn't they be sorting this out?"

Rush's cloudy grey form was trembling, his nonexistent knees knocking together,"We're gonna die!"

Eventually, the static crawled into the distance, leaving peace...and also pieces of glass.

Both entities were ejected from the wardrobe by an infuriated Hide, who gave them a stern glare as he shouted,"Get off of my lawn!"

"...There's not a lawn. What's a lawn, even?" Ambush uttered, his expression moulded with concern,"Seriously, what's going on??"


The diminutive, spherical entity bounded about in the dark room, his tentacles guiding him about in the lightless space as he wandered. Nobody was in the room, as far as he was aware, so he continued about his bland day.

Finally, his fingers brushed over the familiar flat screen of his iPad, which he picked up without hesitation. Flicking off the switch, he unplugged the charger and began to binge some Fortnite gameplay.

Midway in the video, Screech felt the sensation of hot breath against his cheek, an uncomfortable sensation he'd rather not have to experience when alone.

That's when...


His milk white eyes scanned the darkness for a speaker, his thumbs pressed firmly on the screen. Out of confusion, he kept glancing in the darkness, hoping to find an answer. Yet, nobody was in the room; he was certain that not a single soul was nearby.

As he glanced over his shoulder, Screech was met with a face that haunted him. They screamed at him as they bit into his shoulder, leaving him in pain - as well as a lot of befuddlement.

"Who...who was that?"


Bathing in their own violet light, Eyes enjoyed the silence of the hotel. For once, Rush, Ambush and even Screech had decided to be silent, which left space for some well-needed rest and self-care.

Taking out some eye drops, they cleaned out each of their smorgasbord of eyes, inserting a couple of generously dosed droplets into each iris, blinking them away until they were nice and moist again. The dryness was horrendous - sure, basking in a violet light that they radiated from themselves was enjoyable but hurt their eyes, which made them wonder if they were a threat to themself.

As they pocketed the eye drops in the abyss, the door handle creaked as it gave way to a creature Eyes had never seen in their life. It wasn't an entity from the hotel, which made them wonder what it-

"Argh! What the hell?? That's hurting my eyes!" Eyes screeched, closing their eyes,"I can't tell if it's just plain ugly or if it just hurts my eyes...Ugh."

The pain of its presence hurt Eyes even through their eyelids, so much so that they had to fade away and manifest elsewhere


Racing in the hallways he was so used to, Seek bound over bits of broken wardrobes and shattered chandeliers as he bested his previous time.

Heaving his body back into the first hall, he noticed something in the ground...a hair, perhaps?

A lock protruded from the floorboards at door 34, which was weird since nobody had been in the room, much less anybody capable of forming a hair.

As he stepped back towards door 35, his hand instinctively grabbed the knob and rapidly turned it out of pure desperation.

That's when he saw it.

An entire scalp emerged from between the floorboards, then a face, then a whole, human body.

He'd never been so terrified.

Desperately, his legs moved at high speeds, this...thing chasing him into room after room.

There was no place for failure; if he stopped or got caught on any of the chairs, he'd be dead, or worse!

Rapid movements lead him forwards as he feared for his life, his impressive stamina and quick thinking guiding him to safety.

That final door had never looked so beautiful...

The moment he crossed the threshold, he positively slammed the door closed, using such force that it shook violently.

"...What was that?!" Seek cried out in sheer fear, his fingers digging into his own scalp,"What was that?! What in the actual hell was that??"


Dragging his heavy legs forwards, his hands caressed the desk as Figure murmured,"Finally, back at door 49. That should mean door 50-"

His musing was cut short by the throaty growl of an unidentifiable entity.

"Who's there in my library?" He murmured to himself instinctively, stepping forwards and shoving the double doors wide.

He was met with a loud creature; whatever it was, he didn't know, nor did he want to find out.

Slamming the door closed, he whispered to himself,"Welp, I guess I'm sleeping outside."


"Haha, that's hilarious, düd!" El Goblino chuckled, holding a can of half-drank Bloxicola in his three fingered hand,"I heard the macho-meat-düd scream when he heard you in his library!"

(Y/n) smirked, their smug confidence palpable as they removed their lips from their own can of cola,"Serves them right. If they get to scare me, I get to return the favour. It's only fair."

"What about that loud, static düd? What was he like?" The diminutive entity asked, his pointed ears perking in interest at the anecdotes the human had to offer.

Quite chuffed, (Y/n) gloated,"Him? He headed right for the wardrobe! Shot in like a bullet; you've never seen anything like it! Him and Ambush were huddled together, terrified!"

Jeff's tentacle curled up in place of a fist, making a gesture as if to say,"Serves them right!"

"Oh, I wish I'd seen it for myself, düd." El Goblino sighs, his ears flattening against his head as he bows it in thought,"What about that ink düd?"

A scoff escaped (Y/n) as they raised their hands to emphasise how intense it was; their words were accompanied by the motions of their hands,"You've never seen such fear in a person's eyes. Or, eye. He ran so fast that it made me question how he hadn't caught me when I first came here. Hilarious, honestly. I swear he almost tripped at one point!"

"Would've been funny to see him take a tumble for all the trouble he caused you. Right, düd?" El Goblino chimed in, getting (Y/n) to cast an agreeing nod his way.

Relaxing on their wooden crate, (Y/n) leaned back against the wooden support,"How about we head out against later? Try spooking some more entities?"

"Oh, düd, count me in!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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