Glitch X M!Reader (Smut + fluff)

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The constant tapping on the walls set (Y/n)'s mind at unease; the thought of something coming along and trying to kill him was bad enough, but from the walls made it worsen.

Am I safe anywhere in this hotel?

His hand reached out to open the following doorknob, when an epiphany hit him.

I've kept following the doors, but what if that's where all the entities linger? If I go into an unmarked room, I might be safe.

Turning around, he stumbled into the centre of the cross-shaped room, opting to burst through one of the unmarked doors as an alternative.

The unnerving tapping of distanced footsteps came from within and, believing his epiphany to be true, he entered regardless. The thought of him being completely wrong didn't occur until he realised the room was eerily empty. The barren brick walls stared through torn, ragged wallpaper. Wooden flooring ran underfoot.

Sighing in relief, he stepped into the new environment and took in the sights. When the door miraculously slammed behind him, he knew he'd gone wrong. Leading himself astray was not his best idea, but he refused to be wrong.

A distorted low-frequency hummed from the previous halls, as a black figure no-clipped through the doorframe.

"My, my. Don't these humans get dumber every time?" The figure scoffed to himself in a mocking way,"I guess I have to take you back now to where you have to be."

Goosebumps patterned his skin, and (Y/n) shook his head in disagreement,"I'm not going back!"

It occured to him that the entity had spoken, a rarity among what he'd seen so far. He didn't question it aloud, in case it took offense to it.

"I don't make the rules, human, I just enforce them. Take it up with Guiding Light if it is such an issue." A fraction of the entity's torso disappeared momentarily, reappearing a second later as it spoke,"Unless I can get some form of benefit from this, I'm not turning a blind eye to it."

Something about the way it said that made (Y/n)'s face redden. He'd been watching too many videos in incognito tabs to know where it was going.

"Right, and how can I 'benefit' you? Doubt you'll want anything I can offer." (Y/n) smugly smirked at it, inspecting his nails in a careless manner.

"That's why I'm asking if you have anything of value to offer me, in a form of bribe. I highly doubt you have anything that'll interest me." It snickered, returning the smug body language with a confident grasp of its own hips.

Tentatively, (Y/n) stepped closer to the entity. When he was right behind him, so close that his breaths landed on the back of its neck, he whispered,"I can offer you a good time. How's that sound?"

Its head turned and its low voice murmured," You humans and your lust, always letting it best you."

"If you let me best you, you'll see why." (Y/n)'s eyes narrowed, and his smirked crawled up his left cheek.

Two of his fingers walked over its right shoulder, and it gave a whimper,"Oh, I'm going to get killed for this."

(Y/n)'s chuckle echoed through the room,"Oh, believe me, it'll be worth it. And by the way, the name's (Y/n)."

"Glitch. Why do you care?" It asked, taking his arms from his hips and let them dangle freely.

The human's smirk broadened,"You just needed to know what you'll be moaning when we get started."

A heat overcame Glitch's face, not that it could be seen very clearly.

Unbuttoning his shirt, (Y/n) revealed his toned abdomen to the entity, making it panic. Continuing where he left off, he trailed his fingers over the entity's shoulder blades, reaching his head down to lay a gentle kiss on the left half of his neck.

The entity whimpered as it felt (Y/n) grow rougher with each kiss planted until (Y/n) was digging his teeth in and sucking. (Y/n)'s hot tongue brushed against its neck, touching the most sensitive regions of it.

His wrists could barely hold his quivering fingers, as could his shaky knees hold his stiffening body. Slumping to the ground, Glitch landed on his knees as (Y/n) followed suit, still trailing the kisses along the length of Glitch's shoulders.

A finger intruded in Glitch's asshole, slowly pumping in and out as he let out choked sighs of pleasure. (Y/n)'s arms wrapped around the lower part of Glitch's neck, his hands draping over the entity's torso loosely.

Crawling to the front of Glitch, (Y/n) lustfully eyed the trembling entity, continuing to finger him. Another finger entered and the pace picked up, making the entity's volume rise to match.

"Are you enjoying that?" (Y/n)'s dark, lustful tone had the entity in a flustered state,"You like that, you whore?"

The degrading had him on edge, and Glitch leaned his head forwards submissively and moaning. (Y/n), seeing this as a victorious white flag, tilted his head and kissed his forehead.

The way it was done, so considerately as he mercilessly pumped his fingers into his asshole, was breathtaking to the entity. Adding another finger into Glitch's virgin asshole, he began to make a scissoring motion.

He decided to focus on himself as well, unzipping his jeans with his non-dominant hand. Slipping his fingers down his boxers, he played around with his head, swirling his fingers near his slit. Tugging at himself, (Y/n)'s breaths got caught up in his throat as they tried to escape.

Pulling Glitch to the floor, (Y/n) laid him onto his stomach before removing his fingers and dripping his leaking precum into his hole. His hardening member brushed against Glitch's asshole, and he earned a moan from him.

Changing his mind, (Y/n) rolled Glitch onto his back so he could get a better view of his partner,"Actually, I wanna hear those sweet sounds a bit better."

Raising his length to Glitch's asshole, he gently pushed in, feeling Glitch's warmth engulf his length. (Y/n) released a slow, low moan as Glitch mustered a light whimper, evolving into a weak groan.

Putting his hands just above Glitch's shoulders, (Y/n) lowered himself just above the entity's face before pressing his lips against his. There was a discreet sense of  surprise from the entity, and he willingly separated his lips so (Y/n) could delve in.

Slamming into Glitch's prostate, (Y/n) picked up his pace as the entity tensed up, his muscles tightening. An unfamiliar knot built up in his lower abdomen, and he wondered what it was. All he knew was he wanted more of the pleasure (Y/n) was giving him.

(Y/n) pulled his face away from Glitch's expressionless visage. He breathed out,"Oh fuck, I'm close."

Gripping Glitch's desperate length, (Y/n) jacked off the entity in hopes of finishing together. The way (Y/n)'s lubricated fingers caressed his length had him barely able to contain himself, as his hips bucked back and forth for more of both stimulations.

A groan signifying (Y/n)'s finish slipped through his gritted teeth, and he thrust as deeply as he could before releasing. Glitch's walls clamped down on his member as he, too, finished. His own abdomen was covered in blotches of his own semen, as he fought to regain any control. His muscles were too tensed up for him to move and (Y/n), once he'd done up his jeans, lifted him up.

Wiping the discharge from Glitch's chest, (Y/n) slotted his arms under Glitch's knees and around his back, hoisting him up bridal style. Pulling the entity close, (Y/n) kissed his forehead in an affectionate way. The entity made a slight whimper at the sign of attachment, and snuggled close to his chest.

Kicking the door, (Y/n) wandered back into the cross shaped room and into one of the four bedrooms. Setting Glitch down, he noticed how frigid the air was against his warm skin, and how he shivered. Cloaking his own shirt around Glitch's shoulders, (Y/n) sluggishly smiled before getting in bed besides him, encouraging him to rest.

Glitch was speechless by how (Y/n) treated him, and huddled closer to him for any warmth he could get. (Y/n) reciprocated by wrapping one arm around his shoulder and one around his neck. The intimate position was enough to lull the entity into a light, restful slumber.

(Y/n) sighed, too attached to the entity to leave him behind. Burying his face into the pillow, he allowed his eyelids to fall closed.

"You're fucking adorable."

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