F!Ambush X F!Rush (Fluff)

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More players had entered to hotel, and it was now Ambush's turn to make an attempt on their lives.

Sprinting through the room, she left a flash of pink and green in her wake.

All eight of the humans hopped into their wardrobes, and Ambush did her rounds in the room.

Once she'd passed through seven times, she decided to pick up the pace for her final lap.

Going faster than her legs could carry her, she slammed into the following door, falling over backwards.

Hide, seeing her failure, decided to finish the job. He shoved all of the humans out, but Ambush was too focused on her pounding headache to care.

Her nose begun to bleed, and she had a nasty bruise forming on her forehead. Luckily for her, Rush came through to sort out the issue.

Killing everyone in her wake, Rush approached Ambush with a scoff,"Slacking on the job, girl?"

"Oh, shut up!" Ambush growled, holding her throbbing head,"I smacked into a door on accident."

Approaching Ambush, Rush knelt besides her,"Oh, that's a nast nosebleed. Doesn't hurt too much, does it?"

"Why are you being nice to me, Rush? We're sworn enemies." Ambush argued.

Unamused, Rush pouted,"Oh, give it a rest already! Let me help you, just this once."

Frowning, Ambush sighed,"Just this once."

Taking out a tissue from her breast pocket, Rush dabbed the blood off of Ambush's face. Then, she stood up and offered Ambush her hand to stand up.

Gripping Rush's hand lightly, Ambush pulled herself up off the ground. Loosing her balance a bit, she fell forwards into Rush.

"I-I.." she gave up trying to argue,"Sorry."

Locking arms with Ambush, Rush helped to keep her balanced,"That hit on the head must've knocked your balance. We have to take you to medical."

Trembling, Ambush nodded; she didn't physically have the ability to fight back.

Rush took it slow, careful as to not rush Ambush.


Guiding Light stood in a humanoid body in the infirmary. They rifled through the supplies as the door opened, revealing Rush and an injured Ambush.

"Girls, what do you need?" 
Their soft voice asked, setting Ambush at ease.

"Don't laugh, but Ambush ran into a door trying to attack humans." Rush explained, sitting Ambush down on one of the beds,"It was an accident."

In agreement with what Rush had said, Ambush nodded her head shamefully,"I was being dumb.."

"Alright, wait here. I'll fetch you an ice pack for your head." Guiding Light told them, moving toward a walk-in cupboard.

Sitting on the covers of the bed, Ambush relaxed her tense nerves. Her head still ached and her nose still bled, but she had someone to aid her injuries.

Slumping down besides Ambush, Rush remained by her, wiping the blood from her nose.

"Does your head still hurt?" Rush questioned, brushing the hair out of Ambush's face.

"I..uhm..yeah. Still hurts."

"In future, open the door on your first lap. Then you won't smack yourself on the door again." Rush advised, patting Ambush on the back.

"Oh, okay."

Returning to the room, Guiding Light handed Ambush a ice pack, which she pressed onto her forehead.

Guiding Light recommended Eyes and Halt to step in during Ambush's absence. They also allowed Rush to take time off to stay next to Ambush and protect her.

Snuggling into the blankets, Ambush yawned. Carefully, Rush pet her head, running her fingers through Ambush's mint locks.

Wordless, Ambush leaned into the touch involuntarily.

"Don't worry, Am, I'll be here." Rush comforted, unable to remove her hand from Ambush's head.

"Thanks, I really needed you today." Ambush confessed, tilting her head forward so Rush could pet her better.

"I can't let you fall asleep though, since you might be concussed. So, let's chat." Rush said, a smirk growing on her face.

Ambush leaned towards Rush, resting a tired head on her chest,"Mm, I'm tired though."

Rush, amused by Ambush's antics, let her lean on her chest. If the circumstances had been any different, she would've thought twice, but the poor girl was in pain and needed comfort and warmth.

"Hey, hey. Don't fall asleep." Rush hissed, slapping Ambush's cheek lightly, several times. 

Ambush got up immediately,"I'm awake, I'm awake."

"Good. Come here." Rush ordered, pulling Ambush closer to her chest.

"Mm, warm." Ambush's words were slurring a bit as she fought to stay awake.

Pressing her lips against Ambush's forehead, Rush let the tired girl snooze,"I'll revive you and kill you again if you don't wake. For now, sweet dreams."

Ambush stayed resting on Rush's chest, her soft snores a cute sound to Rush.

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