Clingy!Librarian!Figure x Reader (Fluff)

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Tossing aside their umbrella, they heaved out a weighted sigh. This ferocious storm trapped them within the walls of a hotel rumoured to be haunted by cryptids, rumours some were desperate to prove right.

These rumours were nothing more than meaningless chatter to most their age, but they took much interest in the internet tales and news stories.

Pushing forwards, they exited the elevator as the jingle ceased to play.

In their eyes, this place was a wonder; even after the passing of a decade, it looked as clean and perfect as it would if it were functional.

Running underfoot were a collection of polished, mahogany floorboards. Their footsteps sounded perfectly coherent as the sound rebounded off of the walls. 

Forgetting they're in an abandoned hotel, their guard slipped down; admittedly, they were going to explore every nook and cranny even if death was on the table.

Snatching the key off of the corkboard, they readied themself for whatever hellish brings lingered inside the hotel.


Their adventure hadn't gone quite as anticipated; the place had been very barren and empty, without much activity, if any at all. Occasionally, there would be knocking on walls or swift footsteps, but nothing else.

It was dormant, as silent and unoccupied as would be expected of an abandoned hotel. But, they knew this wasn't just any abandoned hotel.

With tenacity in their heart, they kept going until they discovered something memorable or scarring.

And they got exactly what they wanted upon entering room forty nine.

Room forty nine opened up to some kind of segway office, leading to a set of double doors. A fine brass outlined these heavy oak doors, and the plaque on the front read '50'.

There was several steps leading to a raised platform with a lengthy desk. Behind the desk was a swivel chair, the bronze cushions pillowing the seat.

A throaty growl came from room fifty and, for a moment, their heart stopped in their chest. Finally, they got what they had came for.

Scurrying down the steps, narrowly avoiding the banister rail, (Y/n) threw themself at the set of doors. Hurling the doors opened, they entered the library with thudding footsteps.

Towering bookshelves lined the library, holding countless multicoloured books. Another desk was sat by humongous, pristine window panes. As with the previous room, there was a raised landing, accessible via a staircase on the right-hand side. Another staircase, blocked by a wardrobe and pink-cushioned sofa, sat to the left.

None of that was of interest to (Y/n), as they came for one thing, that being to find the source of the growl. Which, like before, they found with ease.

A breathtakingly tall figure staggered from the right side of the library; its goofily long arms, comparable to that of a cartoon character, scraped about to feel.

From what could be seen, this creature had no eyes or any form of sight; a circular mouth occupied by needle-like fangs was in the centre of its face, this mouth alike to an inverted circular saw.

As it inelegantly scampered forwards, it became apparent that (Y/n) was in the deep end. They hadn't considered bringing a weapon to fend off these possible threats, and shrank back against this creature as it loomed before them.

It appeared to be listening, despite not actually having visible ears to do so, and trying to track them as their heartbeat picked up.

If push came to shove, they could always try and snap the external ribcage this creature had, probably putting it in a state of agony.

As it came closer, it started to softly purr, feeling along the scarlet carpet as it approached them.

Freezing in place, (Y/n) realised this could be their end; to think they died to find what it was they were looking for was a laughable thought. Their inability to prepare for such a situation was their downfall.

Or, would have been their downfall. This creature, despite having an inhuman and threatening profile, simply wrapped its flaccid arms around their waist and lifted them close to its chest as it swung to and fro, with them in its clutches.

Its display of affection or desire for touch was alike that of a young child or a human deprived and desperate for intimacy. From what was being shown, its only intentions were of no ill nature.

Slowly, it lowered its head and pressed its lips to their forehead before pulling its head back up and continuing to sway.

A gentle purr escaped its maw as it adapted this defensive demeanour, almost as if wordlessly promising to protect (Y/n).

Meanwhile, (Y/n) was trying to piece together how and why this entity would be so clingy to them, a complete stranger. Then, it clicked.

This being was blind and could possibly be mistaking them for another human. Their voice would would give away its mistake and likely lead to their end, but...

"I don't know who you're expecting me to be, but I'm not them." (Y/n) spoke up, tilting their head back to look at the entity in the face.

Nothing changed. Could it even interpret those words? Did it have any basic understanding of human language? Probably not.

Returning its embrace, (Y/n) locked their arms around its warm torso, pressing their head to its collarbone. In return, they were rewarded with the slowing this of a heartbeat, implying this being had a functioning heart and, by extension, blood.

The entity gave a howling purr as they did that, getting some kind of satisfaction from their head pressing to its chest.

"Uh, I don't think you have a name, so how about I name you?" (Y/n) asked, finding its only response to be a purr,"I think the name 'Figure' suits you. What do you think?"

Again, they were rewarded a purr, this one being a more affectionate and thoughtful one.

Eventually, Figure set them onto their feet and bent its knees and hunched its back to level with them, since it was approximately three times their height.

Cupping its chin in their hands, (Y/n) gazed into its deadly maw, as if it could stare back,"Aw, you lonely thing. How about I keep you company?"

At that, Figure leaned forwards and pressed its mouth to their forehead again, kissing them as best it could.

"You goofball." (Y/n) chuckled when it drew back,"Alright then, I'll keep you company."

Wandering over to the desk, it saw a sheet of paper, as well as an open book with both Braille and black print. Figure stayed close to them, almost like an overprotective partner would.

Raising an eyebrow, (Y/n) seemed impressed,"Oh, you can read? Is that how you keep yourself entertained?"

Nodding, Figure brushed a hand over the bumps on the page.

Looking up at Figure, (Y/n) smiled,"Well, I'm impressed. How about I read it to you? Does that sound good?"

Letting out an agreeing purr, Figure took a seat on the swivel seat, identical to the one behind the desk in room forty nine, and gestured for (Y/n) to sit on its lap.

Laying lengthways on Figure's lap, (Y/n) picked up the book and read the words in their head before reading it out loud for Figure to hear.

"Chapter nine..."

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