Glitch x F! Reader (Fluff)

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(Hope this cheers you up, requester.)

Sitting by the window, (Y/n) let the tears stream down her flushed cheeks. She'd been living with the entities for a while, and she'd grown quite fond of them. They were, without a doubt, often violent, but never intended to do harm when they did.

Her ears rang and she could only hear the shrill squeak of the static. A figure was sat besides her, a figure she was familiar with.


"My dear, what's wrong?" He asked, his words garbled by the electric current in his body.

Through flooding tears, (Y/n) glanced up at him with sorrow clear on her face. With tenacity, Glitch put his hands on her shoulders,"My dear, if you don't tell me what, how do you suppose I aid you?"

Slowly moving closer, she bowed her head to him. Taking that as a sign, Glitch planted a kiss on her forehead before saying,"My dear, if all you need is my comfort then allow me to comfort you."

Gripping (Y/n) by the waist, Glitch drew her closer to his chest. Accepting this comfort, (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled close to him, her tears spilling onto his collar.

"(Y/n), my precious girl, I'm here for you if you need someone to speak to, no matter how horrid or disgusting it may be. I'll be here to stand and listen to whatever you need." Glitch assured her, brushing his fingers through her fluffy locks; it was like silk against his skin and the contact was lovely.

As her heartbeat began to slow, she felt her heart itself start to flutter as she was in his arms.

His comforting embrace, his sympathetic tone, his kind words; they all contributed well to soothing her.

"I don't...want to talk about it..." (Y/n) muttered,"...but, thank you for being there for me."

His touch made her relax, and the ear-splitting static eventually faded out. Her tears ceased as her grip on him tightened, as if she were clinging to him for her dear life.

The moment felt magical, almost, as if she were weightless in his arms. Nothing could knock her down from this state of pure bliss, pure calm.

As she regained her composure, she kept herself close to him for warm, for comfort, for safety. In his arms, nothing could reach her, not a single issue of hers could penetrate this feeling of protection he gave her.

Resting his chin on her head, Glitch sighed. Being in such an intimate and human position gave him a feeling of compassion and love. He adored the feeling he was being given in the moment, the positivity running through his system.

Not a single word had to be spoken to explain the scene or the feelings either held. It just felt right.

Removing his hands from (Y/n)'s hair, Glitch let her go from his grasp and held her by the shoulders,"Do you feel better now, (Y/n)?"

Holding Glitch's chin in her hands, she nodded,"Much better, now that you're here."

Giggling to herself, (Y/n) glanced up at him,"You're such a sweetheart, Glitch."

"A sweetheart?" He echoed,"Well, if that's what you want to call me, then I suppose I am."

He smiled as best he could without a visible face,"Come on, let's go get some ice cream or cake. I think you deserve it."

Taking his hand, (Y/n) was lead towards the kitchen, where Glitch rifled through the cupboards of the pantry to find a snack for the two to share. There was a packet of doughnuts, and Glitch took two, one for each of them. When he returned to her with the sweet, she beamed from ear to ear.

Handing her the treat, Glitch gave her a pat on the head,"There you go, my dear. I've heard it has your favourite filling in it."

"Oh? So you know me better than I thought?" (Y/n) smirked, cheekily.

Sinking her teeth into it, she could feel the cold filling against them. It was her favourite flavour, just as Glitch said.

As the two tucked in, they kept glancing at one another with happiness; neither had had feelings for the other, but it just felt so right to them both.

With a smile on her face, (Y/n) says,"Thanks for being there for me, Glitch. It means the world to me."

Giving her a little kiss on the forehead, Glitch pulls her in for a cuddle once they had both finished their doughnuts.

Stopping halfway there, Glitch noticed something,"(Y/n), you have a little.."

Putting his thumb on the corner of (Y/n)'s lips, he brushes the filling off and licks it off of his finger.

"...that's better." He finishes, as he resumes their cuddle.

She whines a little bit in her grip, trying to get closer to him for his warmth. After what she'd been through, it was the least she deserved.

"Thank you, Glitch." She said, relaxing in his grasp,"Thank you so much for this."

Kissing her forehead again, making her squeak, Glitch murmured,"Glad I could help you, my dear."

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