Rush X Reader (Angst)

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There was a pit in his stomach, as if something terribly wrong was occuring. He hates the feeling and decided to round the hotel to check everything was ok.

He didn't usually visit the library, but knocked the doors open in case. That's when he saw (Y/n), his lover, in the jaws of Figure. The entity was at a loss for words, and raced to (Y/n). Punting Figure in the shin, he earned a yelp from him as he dropped (Y/n).

There were punctures in their skin, covering one half of their face. The blood was dripping everywhere, staining the collar of their shirt a vibrant red. Parts of their shirt were already stained a darker shade of it, proving he had already started torturing them.

Letting out a strangled growl, Figure clambered across the floor, waving his hands around the surface to check for (Y/n).

Slotting his arms under (Y/n), Rush picked them up and tried to leave.

Figure, feeling Rush's ankle, yanked him down. (Y/n) tumbled as well, rolling out of Rush's loose hold.

The eyeless glare Figure was giving spoke for him,"Where do you think you're going?"

"Cut it out, Figure, it's just me!" Rush groaned, trying to free his ankle from Figure's grasp.

Figure snarled, clambering closer until he was almost atop Rush. The smokey entity didn't like where it was going and kicked Figure in his stomach, launching him up in the air.

"I'm sorry, but you're not acting right today." Rush apologised, scrambling to his feet and scurrying to (Y/n)'s side,"Can you hear me, sweetheart?"

Feeling their forehead, he noticed how cold they were. The blood gushing from their wounds was the only warmth given off.

"(Y/n), can you hear me?" Rush cried, letting his hand fall to their cheek as he caressed it.

(Y/n) couldn't hear him but Figure could and he wasn't too thrilled about the entity turning on him.

Forcing himself to stand on shaky legs, Figure stomped his way back to Rush and pinned him to the ground, his fingernails digging into Rush's skin.

Moaning in pain, Rush hung his head as he took in the aggression Figure was experiencing.

Holding both Figure's wrists, Rush spat out,"Please let us go. I'm not a human so you don't need to kill me, right?"

Figure's jaws quivered as he leaned in closer, readying himself to take a bite out of his acquaintance. It was anything but endearing, and he yelped and whined as his teeth sunk in.

"Figure! Figure, please, it's me! Rush! Y'know, the fast one? Please get off of me and let me go." Rush pleaded, raising a knee and thrusting it into Figure's abdomen.

Figure's shortness of breath didn't last as long as he anticipated, and he had scarcely enough time to slide from underneath him and get to (Y/n).

"Come on, let's get you out of here and cleaned up." Rush sighed, nestling his face close to (Y/n)'s,"I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you."

He lifted (Y/n) again, and they woke at the elevation. Their eyes widened as the pain hit them, the pain from their nerves screaming out.

"Rush, I think I can walk.." They mused, rubbing their uninjured side of their face into Rush's chest.

His hold got tighter as he hugged them closer,"(Y/n)! Oh, thank Guiding Light, you're okay!"

The thudding of Figure's footsteps closeness as he approached the two as they left.

"Rush, look out!" (Y/n) screamed, watching fearfully as Figure ducked beneath the doorframe and followed.

Warningly, Figure lurched at them both, trailing an unsteady claw into Rush's back, dragging it through until it burst out of his chest.

Dropping from Rush's arms, (Y/n) landed on the floor as the entity struggled. Pouncing on Figure, (Y/n) choked him until Rush was released.

A substance equivalent to blood was pouring out, and the entity was giving a whimpering sound, clutching below the wound.

"I...Is this what pain feels like...?" Rush choked out, gasping in breaths.

Placing their hands on Rush's lower chest, (Y/n) assured him he'd be okay. Internally, they were panicking. Regardless of it, Rush was still smiling.

"(Y/n), I'll be fine. Just go. Go get some help. You need it more than I do." Rush told them, pointing to door 49.

Rush's blood was getting on their fingers, and he winced as one ran over his wound's outline.

"I don't want to leave you here, not by yourself. Is there someone I can get?" (Y/n) inquired, stroking his cheek.

"Jack. Find Jack and send him to get some medical supplies." Rush explained.

Giving Rush a chaste kiss on the cheek, (Y/n) hopped up and hurried on to find the entity.

Jack was stood in a closet, speaking to Hide, when (Y/n) found him. Carelessly, (Y/n) dragged him out by the wrist, earning an amused cackle.

He followed along, curiously eyeing them,"Is there any reason you take me, of all people, for a ride?"

"I'm not taking you for a ride, Jack. Rush is injured and I need your help." (Y/n) gasped for air, having had no time to breathe.

Positioning his hands on their shoulders, Jack stared at them,"And you're in any better condition? Kid, you need to rest."

Shaking their head, (Y/n) bawled,"I can't do that until I know Rush is safe! Figure started mauling at me, and Rush came to save me. So, the least I can do if save him in return."

Sighing, Jack clutched (Y/n)'s hand and trailed them.

Sprawled out on the ground, as explained, was Rush. His blood was pooling beneath his body as Jack sprinted to him, an evident worry painted on his visage.

"(Y/n), can you hold the door open? I'll carry Rush." Jack told them, heaving Rush onto his shoulders.

Obediently, (Y/n) clambered up and to the door, keeping it wide so Jack could get through with Rush.

"Come, (Y/n). You need some medical attention too." Jack softly ordered, marching to the infirmary.

Timidly, (Y/n) trailed him.


Finally, after many tiresome hours, Rush came to. His hollow eyes laid on (Y/n)'s frail figure by his bedside, and their hand holding his.

"I didn't leave you, see? I did as you asked me to." Their meek voice chimed in, as their thumb rubbed the back of Rush's hand,"You're safe now."

Stepping in, Jack made his presence known. His ghostly white figure stood out in, Rush saw him immediately when he came into view.

"(Y/n), can me and Rush have a chat? In private." Jack questioned, getting an approving chirp from the human before they exited.

Wandering to Rush's bedside, Jack snickered to himself. Rush, wondering what it was he found funny, aired him a questioning glare.

"Rush, they're a keeper." Jack sharply said,"They care a lot about you. I can tell they aren't just using you as protection; they were genuinely worried about you when they fetched me."

"That's nice to know. I love them either way, and I always will." Rush smiled, his gleaming white teeth coming into sight.

"Well, I'd make the most of them." Jack advised, producing a pocket watch from one of his pockets,"I'd best be going now."

As he exited the infirmary, he instructed (Y/n) to go inside and keep Rush company.

The gentle tapping of their feet had Rush knowing who had entered, without needing to see them.

(Y/n) laid, cuddled besides him, in the bed. It wasn't the softest mattress, but Rush was there and that was all that mattered.

They avoided laying on his chest, as the wound was yet to heal.

"You know how much I love you, right?" (Y/n) mumbled, their words muffled by the blanket.

He drew them closer to his torso,"I know, (Y/n), I know."  

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