F!Rush X F!Reader (Fluff/Angst)

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Making her daily rounds through the hotel, Rush let out the ear-splitting screams as she flew around the corner. It was a wonder how she managed to keep up her usual pace while donning such formal attire, yet she managed to without question or hesitation.

Her heels clacked against the wooden floorboards as she closed the distance between her and (Y/n), unaware that the human was even present in the hotel.

Slamming the door wide open, Rush caught sight of (Y/n), the girl being several inches shorter than her.

Staring down at the unwanted guest, Rush narrowed her void black eyes,"What are you doing here?"

Startled, (Y/n) dug the crucifix out of her pocket without any warning, and pointed it upwards at the entity.

"Leave me alone! Stop trying to kill me, you...!" (Y/n) didn't even have the words to end the sentence, as the turquoise chains were already at work.

Restrained in glowing shackles and chains, Rush gasped and protested her innocence,"I haven't killed a soul, I swear! You shouldn't trust those crucifixes!"

"Oh, why not? So I can be the first?" (Y/n) retorted, a newfound cockiness covering their fear. Whether fabricated or not, it was as thick and heavy as a brick.

The light from the chains seemed to progressively get brighter until there was a loud flash, sending (Y/n) hurling backwards.

She could remember feeling the blood trickle down her forehead and the ringing in her ears as Rush came closer.

She was done for, and she knew it.


Surprisingly, she opened her eyes. She was still laid in the room where the crucifix had...malfunctioned? Broken? Even she didn't know the right word for that. It just exploded on the two of them.


So, that was who was petting her head and cleaning out the wound.

"Dearie, you shouldn't have used that crucifix. I could tell it was a dodgy one." The grey figure told her with a sigh.

"'Dodgy'? I found it in one of the bedrooms..." (Y/n) explained, tilting her head to one side as the blood from her nose dropped onto her shirt.

Sighing once more for good measure, Rush shook her head,"Guests sometimes make them just for the sake of it. They're dangerously counterfeited and can be a hazard to both entities and guests."

Pressing a handkerchief to (Y/n)'s bloodied nose, Rush was very careful with the delicate human.

Listening to the muffled chokes from (Y/n), Rush encouraged her to breathe through her mouth,"Come on, dearie, just breathe. Stay awake, stay with me."

(Y/n) eyed Rush as if she were crazy; did she forget they've just had a conversation together?

Brushing the hair out of (Y/n)'s face, Rush gets a better look at her,"My, you're quite a young woman. Oh, please don't go to sleep."

"Why are you so worried?" (Y/n) questioned,"Aren't you an entity meant to murder me?"

Stopping stiff, Rush freezes at the prejudging,"I don't have to be and I'm not!"

"Sorry. I'm just a bit lightheaded right now." (Y/n) chuckles, the blood running over her skin.

She scowls as (Y/n) grimaces, expressing a hatred for the makeshift crucifix,"Come on, dear, let's get you to the infirmary."

Carefully, Rush hoists (Y/n) up in her arms as (Y/n) begins to black out.

"No, no, no! Stay with me!"


Her weary eyes slink open as she regains consciousness. There's a cotton dressing on her head from the wound, and the burning of antiseptic tingles in her injuries.

Rush's tearful eyes glance over at her as the aforementioned entity sits on the end of the infirmary bed,"Human, I thought I'd lost you!"

"Ugh...my head..." She murmured as she tenderly rubbed her throbbing head,"The name's...(Y/n)."

"(Y/n), that's such a pretty name. I'm Rush." Rush introduced, petting (Y/n)'s head,"You need some medication and some water. Here."

Going to the bedside table, Rush collects the dosage of pills and a glass of cold water, handing it to (Y/n).

Hesitantly, (Y/n) slips the pills into her mouth and swallows them quickly, getting rid of the bitter taste with some water.

Snuggling back into the pillows, (Y/n) groans,"You don't have to babysit me, you know?"

Softly giggling, Rush shakes her head,"I know it was your mistake to use the faulty crucifix, but it doesn't mean you have to die for one silly mistake."

Leaning forwards, Rush pets (Y/n)'s head again, as the human moved into the touch.

Chuckling, Rush gently pushes (Y/n) back onto the pillows,"Rest up. Don't fall asleep, but just rest up. I'll be here if you need me."

Sinking back into the pillows, (Y/n) gave a happy sigh as the painkillers kicked in. She maybe had to endure agony for her mistake, but she met a good friend.

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