M!Halt x Reader (Fluff)

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Lounging around on the sofa, (Y/n) yawned. They were exhausted after spending their energy on chasing humans about; their day had been hectic and they deserved a bit of time to catch up on rest.

Closing their eyes, they let themself nod off for a minute or two. Groaning, they stopped themself from completely losing consciousness.

They almost fell from slanting over, but a figure stopped them; someone had sat in the way to prop them up.

"Falling for me, are you?" The sound of a smirk was evident in his voice.

Humming lightly in their sleep, (Y/n) responded to Halt. They felt his hand ruffle their hair affectionately as an arm snaked around his back.

"D'aww, are you tired after hunting those humans?" He asked them, genuinely invested in their feelings.

Grumbling, (Y/n) slanted their head backwards against his arm,"Mhm."

They were pulled into an embrace, their chin meeting Halt's collarbone as the entity rested his own chin on their head.

Even if Halt's affections were completely uncalled for, (Y/n) deeply appreciated every single moment of it.


Their meek voice piping up caught his attention and he hummed a response.

"Could you..take me to my bedroom? I'm tired.."

Loosening his grip on them, he chuckled as he slid his hands down their body. He moved his forearms under their knees and kept an arm around their back. Lifting them up, Halt saw them wrap their arms around his neck to stabilise themself.

He could feel their body heat on his skin as he hoisted them. (Y/n)'s exhausted eyes were struggling to keep open, constantly faltering as they mumbled.


Amusedly, Halt smirked. He didn't understand a single thing they were doing but that was fine on his terms.

Once he'd wormed his way through the hotel to their room, he set them onto their bed.

Smiling tiredly, (Y/n) muttered their thanks and reached out to hold Halt's hand.

"Mm..don't go.."

Encouragingly, (Y/n) lifted up the duvets and budged over to give him room. Giving in, the entity crept into the bed besides them, spooning them from behind.

Leaning back into Halt's arms, (Y/n) sighed as they drifted off to sleep, closing their eyes to snooze.

Halt layed there, listening to the sweet sound of their shallow breaths and the light thumping of their beating heart. The cold sensation of the pillow against his head combined with the warmth from (Y/n) was a very calming mixture, and his eyes begin to close involuntarily.

Pulling them in, Halt let out a final sigh and snuggled up to them.

If there was a heaven, this would be it.

With that final thought, he let himself drift off and rest in the comfort of (Y/n)'s presence.

Their soft snores filled the room, as they were cuddled closely and tightly, left to dream as they spooned.

Before he'd completely lost consciousness, Halt leaned forwards and kissed (Y/n)'s cheek before letting himself rest.

"God, I love you so much."

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