Bri'ish!Figure x Reader (Fluff)

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(Y/C) - Your country.

(If you're from the UK, just imagine Figure's surprised by the fact that you're not from the same area. I know that there's a couple fellow Brits reading.)

Clearing his throat, Figure finally released them from his close embrace. He sinks back into the rose cushions of his seat, releasing a heavy sigh from his lungs.

"Ah, now that is a companion for life." Figure sighed, shaking his head.

Letting out a breathy chuckle, Figure accidentally made a small purring sound. Immediately after, he covered his mouth and silenced himself,"I...apologise for that."

"Apologise for what?" (Y/n) questions, turning to him as they take a seat besides him.

Somewhat perplexed by their acceptance or ignorance, Figure shook his head,"The sound I made, a pur. It is an inhuman noise, and I've been told it dehumanises me."

"I...understand." (Y/n) chokes, going to say 'I see' but realising how offensive that could be.

Figure, completely lost because of (Y/n)'s carelessness towards his inhuman sound, sat dazed,"You...really have no issue with me making those noises? Humans always dubbed them 'strange' and 'disruptive'. Are you alright with me making them?"

Standing up, (Y/n) paced to his side and sat on the armrest of his chair,"No, I don't 'have an issue' with you making these noises. Make 'em all you want, Figure."

Planting their hand on his head, they start to pet him gently, ruining the previous formal feeling of their interaction. Though, Figure didn't really mind it so much.

Letting out a soft purr, Figure leaned into the touch and permitted (Y/n) to gracefully brush their hand over his head and pet him.

Astonished by the sudden sound, (Y/n)'s eyes widened as they resumed their head patting. Clasping his hands together, Figure practically prayed for this to have no end. His gratitude couldn't be conveyed in any words he knew, and he just kept purring and holding his hands together, his fingers interlocked.

Turning their upper body to Figure, they remained sat on the armrest as they pet his head. Drinking in the sight of Figure praying, (Y/n) was finally thrown into a pit of questions that they were desperate to ask.

"What is it you're praying for, Fig?" (Y/n) enquired, their pats slowing to a tantalising pace.

"I-I don't want you to cease this...this...informal yet blissfully intimate action. This..." Figure whines, his river of words spilling in a fast current.

Raising an eyebrow, (Y/n) pressed their hand down a bit harsher and kept petting his head, very wary of the way Figure didn't seem to know of more common and informal ways of affection. Calmly, (Y/n) informed him,"...It's called a headpat..."

Purring even more prominently, Figure's words grew a bit shaky,"Headpat? Oh, is that what this is called? Well, I love it; I love headpats!"

Petting him even more, (Y/n) smiled,"Oh, you like that, don't you?"

"I like it, I like it so much...I adore it! Your touch is so loving, so considerate, so gentle..." Figure rambled, losing his inhibitions as he kept purring,"Please, don't stop."

"I don't plan on it." (Y/n) stated sternly, a smirk cutting into their cheeks.

Gasping, Figure leaned in to their touch all the more, rotating his body so his legs were hanging over the over armrest,"Thank you, you have my eternal gratitude for this, (Y/n). You are definitely, undoubtedly, honestly the most wonderful human I have met in my entire life. That is a fact I will not be taking back any time soon."

Continuing to pat Figure, (Y/n) chuckled,"That's so sweet of you to say, Fig. You're the best person I've ever met."

With a warm heart, Figure gave a sound between a sigh and a purr,"No human has ever told me that before. You have no clue in the slightest how much those words mean to me."

"I think I do, because you're purring. Don't stop purring, though, 'cause it's very cute." (Y/n) told him, beginning to get more affectionate with their headpats.

No words needed to be said in the moment; Figure's purring had reached peak volume, and the climax was alike an orgasm for him.

When Figure had gotten over the pure euphoria of the headpats, he stood up and grabbed (Y/n) by the waist and lifted them up, swirling around in circles.

"Oh, you truly are the most impeccable human I have ever met before. If there was a way to describe our relationship, it would be family." Figure smiled, his circular mouth being tugged upwards at the creases.

Feeling a bit dizzy, (Y/n) asked to be put down, to which Figure complied with their request.

"Oh, I need some water...I feel sick..." (Y/n) said, falling backwards into the chair.

"Wa'er? Is that what you mean?" Figure questioned, tilting his head innocently and prodding his chin with his clawed index finger.

"Wa-ter. Water. You're not pronouncing the 't'." (Y/n) explained, repeating the word 'water' so he could hear it.

Then, they remembered he was raised in the UK, and his pronunciation would be different. (Or the same if you're from the UK as well.)

Figure bowed his head, angling it so one could believe he was staring at (Y/n),"Oh, well I pronounce it as wa'er. I was taught that by the humans."

"Ah, I understand. I get it." (Y/n) nodded, musing to themself,"Of course you'd pronounce it like that; we're in England."

"Wait, there's more countries?!" Figure gasped, genuinely shocked that there was more to the world than just the country the hotel was in, which he hadn't explored, as it was.

Somewhat surprised, (Y/n) treated it like a common fact, which it was,"Yes, there are more countries."

Awestruck, Figure gasped,"So, are you from England, or not?"

"I'm from (Y/C)." (Y/n) announced, making Figure stunned.

In a state of pure interest, Figure clapped his hands together once,"Intriguing! I would never have guessed...then again, I did not know other countries existed before you entered since the others never taught me. You are very enlightening, (Y/n)."

Chuckling, they shrugged,"Welp, I guess I am. There's so much to teach you about the world."

Pulling (Y/n) close, Figure sat on the chair and set them on his lap,"Oh, please tell me about it. I wish to hear everything!"

With a coy smile, (Y/n) opened their mouth and explained everything they could,"Well, you see..."

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