Eyes x F!Shy!Reader (Fluff)

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Her hands snuck into the pockets of her jeans as she wandered the hotel aimlessly; she didn't seek escape or safety and was just walking, reasonless.

A muffled series of whispers, like a crowd of tattling children, came into earshot as she drew near the next door; her heart pounded in her chest at the thought of having to interact with a whole group of humans.

She neglected the fact that a vibrant violet light could be seen from under the crack of the door, giving away the fact that they weren't anything familiar.

Lowering her eyes to the floor, she reached for the doorknob as her hand uncontrollably shook.

Snapping her hand back, she cradled her wrist; an overwhelming sense of anxiety overcame her and she couldn't feel the beating of her own heart, it was that fast.

Shakily breathing, she rested her palm on her chest as she tried to calm herself down. Covering her teary visage, she leaned against the wall, sliding to the floor. Bringing her knees to her chest, she buried her face in them so nobody could see.

As she panicked to herself, trying to calm her nerves, the entity opened the door, hearing the commotion.

Entering the room, the entity hushed their whispering as they spied (Y/n) curled up on the floor. Assuming her to be dead, Eyes readied themself to take care of the body.

A tiny, pathetic squeak of a whimper came out of her and Eyes concluded she wasn't dead, but she would be soon.

"Get up." Eye ordered, not understanding she was panicking.

"I-I can't! Please, leave me alone!" She cried out, sniffling.

They adjusted their tone, compromising the harsh underlining for a more trustable soft one,"What's wrong?"

Her teary eyes slowly opened and she sensed the presence wasn't human. Not knowing what to do, she let the situation play on,"I-I...I don't like people.."

"I technically am not a person, I'm an entity." Eyes responded, their eyes beaming and bright,"You can trust me."

"Do you...have a name?" (Y/n) asked, still not moving her visage from her knees,"And...shouldn't you be... killing me?"

Their thoughtful gaze was impenetrable, and they pondered about the question,"I go by Eyes, and I can't exactly kill you unless you look at me. So don't do that."

Things were getting twisted, and (Y/n) didn't know how to take it; an entity who killed through looks was telling them not to look, weird.

Contact. There was physical contact. Their fingers brushed against the back of her neck, a sensitive spot that made her whine.

"Please don't touch me there.." she mumbled, craning her head back at the tickling feeling.

Eyes, respecting her request, moved their hand to her waist, securing her closer to them as they say besides her,"It'll be okay, human. You're safe with me as long as you don't open your eyes."

"I know you didn't ask.. but my name's (Y/n)." She told them, hating how much she loved their presence.

Their timid hand was elevated, reached to touch her hair. They could feel the silky strands in between their fingers, twisting and turning with every motion of their fingertips.

"(Y/n). I think that's a really cute name." Eyes absentmindedly chuckled, their multicoloured irises locking onto her.

Though she physically couldn't see them, she assumed them to be a creature with many dozen eyes, as well as a human body, hence the touching.

"What is it you're so afraid of, precious?" Eyes asked, stroking her waist with their hand. Twirling her hair around their fingers, Eyes chuckled to themself, a chorus of scattered laughs,"There's nothing to be afraid of."

She stopped shaking, taking deep breaths to stabilise her breathing,"E-Everything. I'm sorry."

"There nothing to apologise-"

They froze when (Y/n) buried herself into their arms, seeking comfort and consolation from them. As she desired, they tried their best to console her, petting her head and rubbing her back. Their arms loosely kept (Y/n) close, and she lightly whimpered.

"I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, (Y/n). If you want me off, I can-"

"Stay." (Y/n) plainly stated.

Perplexed, Eyes stared at her as she nuzzled close to their chest,"Why do you enjoy my company?"

"I feel..safe." she responded, her voice quiet.

Safe? She feels safe around me, an entity who kills the second someone looks at them. I'm not made for safety, I'm meant to be a liability.

She was so cozy in their toasty embrace and she smiled, eyes closed, so widely Eyes felt themself smile too.

"You're such a quaint human, aren't you? So fragile and precious; I'll cherish you as long as I can." Eyes mused, lowering their chin onto (Y/n)'s head,"Such a treasurable being."

(Y/n), exhausted from the mindless walking around, was too comfy to care about anything; closing her own eyes, she fell asleep in their arms.

Eyes didn't do anything much while she slept, just leaned her into their chest and nuzzle her head, cooing softly about how great of a human she was.

Despite it going against everything the entities stood for, Eyes loved it; maybe it was the feeling of rebelling or the sensation of a hug, or possibly even the weird way their heart pounded around (Y/n) that made it so sinfully appealing.

"Love..?" Eyes thought aloud, their mind treading on all they knew surrounding the topic.

Were they even capable of loving? They weren't sure if they even had the capacity to love, the capacity to be more than a merciless killing machine. Maybe.

(Y/n)'s motionless body was in their clutches, and they had to choose whether she lived or died.

Thinking with their newfound heart, Eyes let (Y/n) continue to rest until she felt better.

"(Y/n), sleep well." Eyes whispered, their many voices being quiet enough for one to croak out.

They laid there until they, too, ended up dozing off, and they dreamt of how different the scenario could've been, had they not found their heart.

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