Screech x Seek (Familial)

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(Featuring a humanoid Screech because it's easier.)

Chasing humans was never a dull occupation; the feeling of adrenaline pumping through his manipulated body had him aching for more.

A small child with tentacles sprouting from his head entered Seek's hallway, as he rubbed his milk-white eyes. Screech, desperate for attention from his father figure, started to whine. He was tired and bored, but too afraid to sleep after having a haunting nightmare that made his bones shake under his skin. For one of the very few occasions in his life, Screech no longer bared his gleaming grin.

"Daaad..? Daaaaad?" Screech whined, tilting his head back with every word.

Rolling his eyes, Seek took a few minutes to form a mouth, tongue and vocal cords to interact with his son,"What is it, my angel?'

"I'm tired but I had a nightmare.." Screech admits, shame evident on his scrunched visage, giving him the appearance of a child on the verge of tears.

Sighing, Seek made his way over to his son and picked him up, sliding an arm around Screech's shoulder and another around his knees. Fostering a soft, encouraging voice, Seek politely inquired,"A nightmare? Oh no, that's not very good. What was it you had a nightmare about?"

Sniffling, Screech began to let out little weeps,"A human. They came in and they had a cross! The cross let out a blue light and it grabbed you and took you away!"

Scrunching his face up more, Screech starts to cry over the loss he dreamed of.

Snaking a reassuring hand around the back of Screech's head, Seek brings the child closer to him,"Shh, there, there. I won't let a human lay a finger on you, or me-"

"What about Timothy? I don't want my friend to be squished..." Screech calmed a little, his nerves slightly relaxing.

"-or Timothy. Especially not Timothy." Seek confirms, giving a nod of strong confirmation.

"Thanks, dad.." the distressed, sobbing child cries, his eyes returning to their glistening glory.

Seek's firm grasp on his son kept him comforted as he was drawn close.

"Child, don't you worry. These humans don't have the power to drag a powerful entity like me down, or a cunning entity like Figure." Seek insisted, ushering the child into his chest,"My angel, don't you worry about your protection; me and Figure will ensure nobody will ever bring any of us harm."

Seek's fingers brushed along Screech's scalp, running over the roots of his tentacles. Screech, feeling reassured, hugged Seek back. His arms were wide and he held his father close.

"I won't ever let anyone hurt you, dad, just like you won't ever let anyone hurt me." Screech promised, his smile shining in the light.


A human, holding a bag with a smorgasbord of different, varying items, entered Seek's hallway. This was the second chase, and they had grown tired of the entities and their shenanigans.

Jeff, the considerate soul, had kindly bestowed a deal that changed the game for them; now, they wielded a crucifix, the only weapon able to stop Seek, albeit only temporarily.

Seeing Seek emerge from the ground, they stood their place as he charged at them, the same bloodlust in his singular eye.

"What, think you can toy with me again?" The human screamed, pulling out the crucifix and pointing it at Seek.

The chains emerged from the ground as Seek felt the burning pain of the holy restraints as they gripped him tightly.

His body shook violently and he fought back with every ounce of energy he had. Screaming, kicking and pulling, Seek tried to fend off the chains.

Screech, now a teenager, gasped as he ran from the previous room into Seek's hallway.

"Dad, no!" Screech yelled, punching the human in the stomach as hard as he could.

Shuddering in an aftershock of pain, they clattered to the floor with a violent, echoing thud.

Taking the crucifix in his hands, Screech crushed the wood in the palms of his hands, snapping the chains.

Gasping for air, Seek fell to his knees in weakness. Seeing the damage done, Screech booted the human in the groin, then rubbed his heel into the human's stomach before turning his attention to Seek.

"Dad, are you alright?" He asked, kneeling besides him and putting an arm around his shoulder.

Using Screech as a lean, Seek got up, his legs weak,"It's just a crucifix, I'm fine."

Helping Seek to walk towards the previous room, a dark room, Screech let himself be used as a walking aid. He wasn't entirely comfortable having Seek's weight pressed onto his shoulders, but it was better than abandoning him in his lengthy hallway.

"Come on, dad, let's get you sat down." Screech said, laying Seek onto the sofa.

"Ohh, my skin burns and I can't feel my fingers." Seek whined, unable to flex his fingers.

"It's going to be okay, dad, just sleep. I'm here to protect you." Screech told him.

Something about this was humorous to Screech,"Ironic, isn't it? I have to protect you, when you promised to protect me."

Scoffing, Seek rolled onto his side,"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I suck and all that crap."

Taken aback, Screech shook his head,"no, no. You're a great dad! You've always been a great dad, and this doesn't change that. It's just kind of funny how the tables turn."

Seeing what Screech meant, Seek relaxed on the sofa and closed his eye, becoming vulnerable. Before sleeping, he muttered,"I know, and you're a great son to me. You've always been a great son, and this only enforces that."

With that, Seek allowed himself to slip into unconsciousness. His chest inflated and deflated at a calm pace, and Screech kept an eye over him as he rested.

"Oh, dad, it's okay. I'll protect you this time..." Screech promised,"Wait, that human's still alive..."

Rush's echoing screams bombarded everyone's ears as he flew on through.

"Well, the human's dead. Never mind, it's good. You're safe, dad." Screech giggled, petting Seek's head.

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