4; friends

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Peter turned his key in the lock. The door swung open, and the smell of Aunt Mays cooking clouded his senses. A gentle smile fell over his pink lips, and he placed his backpack by the door, kicking of his converse with a hum.

"Welcome home Petey." Aunt May said from the kitchen. She looked up from her pasta Alfredo and turned to face him.

"You're home late. Were you on patrol, or at Mr Starks?" She asked him, slightly worried.

"No aunt May, I met someone on the subway today, his name is Wade." Peter bit down on his lip, hoping she won't ask more. It wasn't safe to go meet random people in New York.

"Wade? And how did you meet this Wade?" She said softly.

"The subway. I accidentally bumped into him, May." He was getting better at lying, because in reality, Peter met Wade on a skyscraper late at night.


After they finished dinner together, he decided to go on a late night patrol. "Hey May, can I go on a quick patrol?" He yelled. "Yeah, but be back in time honey." She yelled back. He got changed into his spidey suit, and swung out the window. He stopped a robbery from a small shop, and helped an old man get into his house after he left his keys inside. The man then in turn gave him a pretzel. Spiderman sat on a rooftop, eating the pretzel.

Pete's phone buzzed, as he stuffed the last piece of the salty pretzel in his mouth. He took out his phone, and looked at the notification he just received.

unknown number: hey peter, it's wade
peter: hey stalker

He quickly put the number in his contacts, naming it "Wade".

wade: you free tomorrow?
peter: yeah, what's up
wade: there's this new movie i wanna see, i thought we could go together, as friends

"As friends. Someone wants me to know they're not interested. Thanks Wade." Peter thought to himself.

peter: sounds like fun, what time?
wade: 7?
peter: see you then dp

Peter got home, and decided to go say goodnight to May.

"Hey, May?" Peter whispered, entering her room.

"Yeah?" She said softly, already in bed.

"I made plans to go to a movie tomorrow, is that alright?" The brunette asked.

"Yeah, sure." She mumbled, half asleep.

"Goodnight May." Peter finally said.

"Gnight." May mumbled.


"Why did I say it like that. I'm so stupid." Wade mumbled to himself.

[It's better like this. He doesn't like us anyway, so now he knows we don't like him either.]

[But we do.]

[We're ignoring that so shut up.]

He let out a sigh and threw his phone on his bed, laying down face-first into the pillows.

"Whywhywhywhywhy." He kept on mumbling to himself.

All night, Wade couldn't get the image of the boy out of his head. How he laid there, sleeping like an angel. How his curls were the perfect balance between messy and beautiful. How his eyes, oh his beautiful caramel chocolate eyes, the way they looked at him made him feel so warm, the way that he didn't look at him with hatred, or weirdness.

wade x peter : only youWhere stories live. Discover now